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synced 2025-02-18 06:30:54 +00:00
This commit includes modifications that are needed to get pybind11 to work with PyPy. The full test suite compiles and runs except for a last few functions that are commented out (due to problems in PyPy that were reported on the PyPy bugtracker). Two somewhat intrusive changes were needed to make it possible: two new tags ``py::buffer_protocol()`` and ``py::metaclass()`` must now be specified to the ``class_`` constructor if the class uses the buffer protocol and/or requires a metaclass (e.g. for static properties). Note that this is only for the PyPy version based on Python 2.7 for now. When the PyPy 3.x has caught up in terms of cpyext compliance, a PyPy 3.x patch will follow.
185 lines
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185 lines
8.9 KiB
tests/test_methods_and_attributes.cpp -- constructors, deconstructors, attribute access,
__str__, argument and return value conventions
Copyright (c) 2016 Wenzel Jakob <wenzel.jakob@epfl.ch>
All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "pybind11_tests.h"
#include "constructor_stats.h"
class ExampleMandA {
ExampleMandA() { print_default_created(this); }
ExampleMandA(int value) : value(value) { print_created(this, value); }
ExampleMandA(const ExampleMandA &e) : value(e.value) { print_copy_created(this); }
ExampleMandA(ExampleMandA &&e) : value(e.value) { print_move_created(this); }
~ExampleMandA() { print_destroyed(this); }
std::string toString() {
return "ExampleMandA[value=" + std::to_string(value) + "]";
void operator=(const ExampleMandA &e) { print_copy_assigned(this); value = e.value; }
void operator=(ExampleMandA &&e) { print_move_assigned(this); value = e.value; }
void add1(ExampleMandA other) { value += other.value; } // passing by value
void add2(ExampleMandA &other) { value += other.value; } // passing by reference
void add3(const ExampleMandA &other) { value += other.value; } // passing by const reference
void add4(ExampleMandA *other) { value += other->value; } // passing by pointer
void add5(const ExampleMandA *other) { value += other->value; } // passing by const pointer
void add6(int other) { value += other; } // passing by value
void add7(int &other) { value += other; } // passing by reference
void add8(const int &other) { value += other; } // passing by const reference
void add9(int *other) { value += *other; } // passing by pointer
void add10(const int *other) { value += *other; } // passing by const pointer
ExampleMandA self1() { return *this; } // return by value
ExampleMandA &self2() { return *this; } // return by reference
const ExampleMandA &self3() { return *this; } // return by const reference
ExampleMandA *self4() { return this; } // return by pointer
const ExampleMandA *self5() { return this; } // return by const pointer
int internal1() { return value; } // return by value
int &internal2() { return value; } // return by reference
const int &internal3() { return value; } // return by const reference
int *internal4() { return &value; } // return by pointer
const int *internal5() { return &value; } // return by const pointer
py::str overloaded(int, float) { return "(int, float)"; }
py::str overloaded(float, int) { return "(float, int)"; }
py::str overloaded(int, float) const { return "(int, float) const"; }
py::str overloaded(float, int) const { return "(float, int) const"; }
int value = 0;
struct TestProperties {
int value = 1;
static int static_value;
int get() const { return value; }
void set(int v) { value = v; }
static int static_get() { return static_value; }
static void static_set(int v) { static_value = v; }
int TestProperties::static_value = 1;
struct SimpleValue { int value = 1; };
struct TestPropRVP {
SimpleValue v1;
SimpleValue v2;
static SimpleValue sv1;
static SimpleValue sv2;
const SimpleValue &get1() const { return v1; }
const SimpleValue &get2() const { return v2; }
SimpleValue get_rvalue() const { return v2; }
void set1(int v) { v1.value = v; }
void set2(int v) { v2.value = v; }
SimpleValue TestPropRVP::sv1{};
SimpleValue TestPropRVP::sv2{};
class DynamicClass {
DynamicClass() { print_default_created(this); }
~DynamicClass() { print_destroyed(this); }
class CppDerivedDynamicClass : public DynamicClass { };
test_initializer methods_and_attributes([](py::module &m) {
py::class_<ExampleMandA>(m, "ExampleMandA")
.def(py::init<const ExampleMandA&>())
.def("add1", &ExampleMandA::add1)
.def("add2", &ExampleMandA::add2)
.def("add3", &ExampleMandA::add3)
.def("add4", &ExampleMandA::add4)
.def("add5", &ExampleMandA::add5)
.def("add6", &ExampleMandA::add6)
.def("add7", &ExampleMandA::add7)
.def("add8", &ExampleMandA::add8)
.def("add9", &ExampleMandA::add9)
.def("add10", &ExampleMandA::add10)
.def("self1", &ExampleMandA::self1)
.def("self2", &ExampleMandA::self2)
.def("self3", &ExampleMandA::self3)
.def("self4", &ExampleMandA::self4)
.def("self5", &ExampleMandA::self5)
.def("internal1", &ExampleMandA::internal1)
.def("internal2", &ExampleMandA::internal2)
.def("internal3", &ExampleMandA::internal3)
.def("internal4", &ExampleMandA::internal4)
.def("internal5", &ExampleMandA::internal5)
.def("overloaded", py::overload_cast<int, float>(&ExampleMandA::overloaded))
.def("overloaded", py::overload_cast<float, int>(&ExampleMandA::overloaded))
.def("overloaded_const", py::overload_cast<int, float>(&ExampleMandA::overloaded, py::const_))
.def("overloaded_const", py::overload_cast<float, int>(&ExampleMandA::overloaded, py::const_))
.def("overloaded", static_cast<py::str (ExampleMandA::*)(int, float)>(&ExampleMandA::overloaded))
.def("overloaded", static_cast<py::str (ExampleMandA::*)(float, int)>(&ExampleMandA::overloaded))
.def("overloaded_const", static_cast<py::str (ExampleMandA::*)(int, float) const>(&ExampleMandA::overloaded))
.def("overloaded_const", static_cast<py::str (ExampleMandA::*)(float, int) const>(&ExampleMandA::overloaded))
.def("__str__", &ExampleMandA::toString)
.def_readwrite("value", &ExampleMandA::value);
py::class_<TestProperties>(m, "TestProperties", py::metaclass())
.def_readonly("def_readonly", &TestProperties::value)
.def_readwrite("def_readwrite", &TestProperties::value)
.def_property_readonly("def_property_readonly", &TestProperties::get)
.def_property("def_property", &TestProperties::get, &TestProperties::set)
.def_readonly_static("def_readonly_static", &TestProperties::static_value)
.def_readwrite_static("def_readwrite_static", &TestProperties::static_value)
[](py::object) { return TestProperties::static_get(); })
[](py::object) { return TestProperties::static_get(); },
[](py::object, int v) { return TestProperties::static_set(v); });
py::class_<SimpleValue>(m, "SimpleValue")
.def_readwrite("value", &SimpleValue::value);
auto static_get1 = [](py::object) -> const SimpleValue & { return TestPropRVP::sv1; };
auto static_get2 = [](py::object) -> const SimpleValue & { return TestPropRVP::sv2; };
auto static_set1 = [](py::object, int v) { TestPropRVP::sv1.value = v; };
auto static_set2 = [](py::object, int v) { TestPropRVP::sv2.value = v; };
auto rvp_copy = py::return_value_policy::copy;
py::class_<TestPropRVP>(m, "TestPropRVP", py::metaclass())
.def_property_readonly("ro_ref", &TestPropRVP::get1)
.def_property_readonly("ro_copy", &TestPropRVP::get2, rvp_copy)
.def_property_readonly("ro_func", py::cpp_function(&TestPropRVP::get2, rvp_copy))
.def_property("rw_ref", &TestPropRVP::get1, &TestPropRVP::set1)
.def_property("rw_copy", &TestPropRVP::get2, &TestPropRVP::set2, rvp_copy)
.def_property("rw_func", py::cpp_function(&TestPropRVP::get2, rvp_copy), &TestPropRVP::set2)
.def_property_readonly_static("static_ro_ref", static_get1)
.def_property_readonly_static("static_ro_copy", static_get2, rvp_copy)
.def_property_readonly_static("static_ro_func", py::cpp_function(static_get2, rvp_copy))
.def_property_static("static_rw_ref", static_get1, static_set1)
.def_property_static("static_rw_copy", static_get2, static_set2, rvp_copy)
.def_property_static("static_rw_func", py::cpp_function(static_get2, rvp_copy), static_set2)
.def_property_readonly("rvalue", &TestPropRVP::get_rvalue)
.def_property_readonly_static("static_rvalue", [](py::object) { return SimpleValue(); });
py::class_<DynamicClass>(m, "DynamicClass", py::dynamic_attr())
py::class_<CppDerivedDynamicClass, DynamicClass>(m, "CppDerivedDynamicClass")