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synced 2025-02-23 08:59:43 +00:00
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240 lines
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#include "pybind11_tests.h"
#include <pybind11/classh.h>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
namespace pybind11_tests {
namespace classh_wip {
struct mpty { std::string mtxt; };
mpty rtrn_mpty_valu() { mpty obj; return obj; }
mpty&& rtrn_mpty_rref() { mpty obj; return std::move(obj); }
mpty const& rtrn_mpty_cref() { static mpty obj; return obj; }
mpty& rtrn_mpty_mref() { static mpty obj; return obj; }
mpty const* rtrn_mpty_cptr() { static mpty obj; return &obj; }
mpty* rtrn_mpty_mptr() { static mpty obj; return &obj; }
std::string pass_mpty_valu(mpty obj) { return "pass_valu:" + obj.mtxt; }
std::string pass_mpty_rref(mpty&& obj) { return "pass_rref:" + obj.mtxt; }
std::string pass_mpty_cref(mpty const& obj) { return "pass_cref:" + obj.mtxt; }
std::string pass_mpty_mref(mpty& obj) { return "pass_mref:" + obj.mtxt; }
std::string pass_mpty_cptr(mpty const* obj) { return "pass_cptr:" + obj->mtxt; }
std::string pass_mpty_mptr(mpty* obj) { return "pass_mptr:" + obj->mtxt; }
std::shared_ptr<mpty> rtrn_mpty_shmp() { return std::shared_ptr<mpty>(new mpty); }
std::shared_ptr<mpty const> rtrn_mpty_shcp() { return std::shared_ptr<mpty const>(new mpty); }
const char* pass_mpty_shmp(std::shared_ptr<mpty>) { return "load_shmp"; }
const char* pass_mpty_shcp(std::shared_ptr<mpty const>) { return "load_shcp"; }
std::unique_ptr<mpty> rtrn_mpty_uqmp() { return std::unique_ptr<mpty>(new mpty); }
std::unique_ptr<mpty const> rtrn_mpty_uqcp() { return std::unique_ptr<mpty const>(new mpty); }
const char* pass_mpty_uqmp(std::unique_ptr<mpty>) { return "load_uqmp"; }
const char* pass_mpty_uqcp(std::unique_ptr<mpty const>) { return "load_uqcp"; }
} // namespace classh_wip
} // namespace pybind11_tests
namespace pybind11 {
namespace detail {
using namespace pybind11_tests::classh_wip;
template <>
struct type_caster<mpty> {
static constexpr auto name = _<mpty>();
// static handle cast(mpty, ...)
// is redundant (leads to ambiguous overloads).
static handle cast(mpty&& /*src*/,
return_value_policy /*policy*/,
handle /*parent*/) {
return str("cast_rref").release();
static handle cast(mpty const& /*src*/,
return_value_policy /*policy*/,
handle /*parent*/) {
return str("cast_cref").release();
static handle cast(mpty& /*src*/,
return_value_policy /*policy*/,
handle /*parent*/) {
return str("cast_mref").release();
static handle cast(mpty const* /*src*/,
return_value_policy /*policy*/,
handle /*parent*/) {
return str("cast_cptr").release();
static handle cast(mpty* /*src*/,
return_value_policy /*policy*/,
handle /*parent*/) {
return str("cast_mptr").release();
template <typename T_>
using cast_op_type = conditional_t<
std::is_same<remove_reference_t<T_>, mpty const*>::value, mpty const*,
std::is_same<remove_reference_t<T_>, mpty*>::value, mpty*,
std::is_same<T_, mpty const&>::value, mpty const&,
std::is_same<T_, mpty&>::value, mpty&,
std::is_same<T_, mpty&&>::value, mpty&&,
operator mpty() { return smhldr_ptr->lvalue_ref<mpty>(); }
operator mpty&&() && { return smhldr_ptr->rvalue_ref<mpty>(); }
operator mpty const&() { return smhldr_ptr->lvalue_ref<mpty>(); }
operator mpty&() { return smhldr_ptr->lvalue_ref<mpty>(); }
operator mpty const*() { return smhldr_ptr->as_raw_ptr_unowned<mpty>(); }
operator mpty*() { return smhldr_ptr->as_raw_ptr_unowned<mpty>(); }
bool load(handle src, bool /*convert*/) {
if (!isinstance<mpty>(src)) return false;
auto inst = reinterpret_cast<instance *>(src.ptr());
auto v_h = inst->get_value_and_holder(get_type_info(typeid(mpty)));
smhldr_ptr = &v_h.holder<pybindit::memory::smart_holder>();
return true;
pybindit::memory::smart_holder* smhldr_ptr = nullptr;
template <>
struct type_caster<std::shared_ptr<mpty>> {
static constexpr auto name = _<std::shared_ptr<mpty>>();
static handle cast(const std::shared_ptr<mpty>& /*src*/,
return_value_policy /*policy*/,
handle /*parent*/) {
return str("cast_shmp").release();
template <typename> using cast_op_type = std::shared_ptr<mpty>;
operator std::shared_ptr<mpty>() { return rtrn_mpty_shmp(); }
bool load(handle src, bool /*convert*/) {
if (!isinstance<mpty>(src)) return false;
return true;
template <>
struct type_caster<std::shared_ptr<mpty const>> {
static constexpr auto name = _<std::shared_ptr<mpty const>>();
static handle cast(const std::shared_ptr<mpty const>& /*src*/,
return_value_policy /*policy*/,
handle /*parent*/) {
return str("cast_shcp").release();
template <typename> using cast_op_type = std::shared_ptr<mpty const>;
operator std::shared_ptr<mpty const>() { return rtrn_mpty_shcp(); }
bool load(handle src, bool /*convert*/) {
if (!isinstance<mpty>(src)) return false;
return true;
template <>
struct type_caster<std::unique_ptr<mpty>> {
static constexpr auto name = _<std::unique_ptr<mpty>>();
static handle cast(std::unique_ptr<mpty>&& /*src*/,
return_value_policy /*policy*/,
handle /*parent*/) {
return str("cast_uqmp").release();
template <typename> using cast_op_type = std::unique_ptr<mpty>;
operator std::unique_ptr<mpty>() { return rtrn_mpty_uqmp(); }
bool load(handle src, bool /*convert*/) {
if (!isinstance<mpty>(src)) return false;
return true;
template <>
struct type_caster<std::unique_ptr<mpty const>> {
static constexpr auto name = _<std::unique_ptr<mpty const>>();
static handle cast(std::unique_ptr<mpty const>&& /*src*/,
return_value_policy /*policy*/,
handle /*parent*/) {
return str("cast_uqcp").release();
template <typename> using cast_op_type = std::unique_ptr<mpty const>;
operator std::unique_ptr<mpty const>() { return rtrn_mpty_uqcp(); }
bool load(handle src, bool /*convert*/) {
if (!isinstance<mpty>(src)) return false;
return true;
} // namespace detail
} // namespace pybind11
namespace pybind11_tests {
namespace classh_wip {
TEST_SUBMODULE(classh_wip, m) {
namespace py = pybind11;
py::classh<mpty>(m, "mpty")
.def(py::init([](const std::string& mtxt) {
mpty obj; obj.mtxt = mtxt; return obj; }))
m.def("rtrn_mpty_valu", rtrn_mpty_valu);
m.def("rtrn_mpty_rref", rtrn_mpty_rref);
m.def("rtrn_mpty_cref", rtrn_mpty_cref);
m.def("rtrn_mpty_mref", rtrn_mpty_mref);
m.def("rtrn_mpty_cptr", rtrn_mpty_cptr);
m.def("rtrn_mpty_mptr", rtrn_mpty_mptr);
m.def("pass_mpty_valu", pass_mpty_valu);
m.def("pass_mpty_rref", pass_mpty_rref);
m.def("pass_mpty_cref", pass_mpty_cref);
m.def("pass_mpty_mref", pass_mpty_mref);
m.def("pass_mpty_cptr", pass_mpty_cptr);
m.def("pass_mpty_mptr", pass_mpty_mptr);
m.def("rtrn_mpty_shmp", rtrn_mpty_shmp);
m.def("rtrn_mpty_shcp", rtrn_mpty_shcp);
m.def("pass_mpty_shmp", pass_mpty_shmp);
m.def("pass_mpty_shcp", pass_mpty_shcp);
m.def("rtrn_mpty_uqmp", rtrn_mpty_uqmp);
m.def("rtrn_mpty_uqcp", rtrn_mpty_uqcp);
m.def("pass_mpty_uqmp", pass_mpty_uqmp);
m.def("pass_mpty_uqcp", pass_mpty_uqcp);
} // namespace classh_wip
} // namespace pybind11_tests