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pybind11/numpy.h: Basic NumPy support, vectorize() wrapper
Copyright (c) 2016 Wenzel Jakob <wenzel.jakob@epfl.ch>
All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include "pybind11.h"
#include "complex.h"
#include <numeric>
#include <algorithm>
#include <array>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <initializer_list>
#include <functional>
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
# pragma warning(push)
# pragma warning(disable: 4127) // warning C4127: Conditional expression is constant
/* This will be true on all flat address space platforms and allows us to reduce the
whole npy_intp / size_t / Py_intptr_t business down to just size_t for all size
and dimension types (e.g. shape, strides, indexing), instead of inflicting this
upon the library user. */
static_assert(sizeof(size_t) == sizeof(Py_intptr_t), "size_t != Py_intptr_t");
template <typename type, typename SFINAE = void> struct npy_format_descriptor { };
template <typename type> struct is_pod_struct;
struct PyArrayDescr_Proxy {
PyObject *typeobj;
char kind;
char type;
char byteorder;
char flags;
int type_num;
int elsize;
int alignment;
char *subarray;
PyObject *fields;
PyObject *names;
struct PyArray_Proxy {
char *data;
int nd;
ssize_t *dimensions;
ssize_t *strides;
PyObject *base;
PyObject *descr;
int flags;
struct npy_api {
enum constants {
NPY_BOOL_ = 0,
static npy_api& get() {
static npy_api api = lookup();
return api;
bool PyArray_Check_(PyObject *obj) const {
return (bool) PyObject_TypeCheck(obj, PyArray_Type_);
bool PyArrayDescr_Check_(PyObject *obj) const {
return (bool) PyObject_TypeCheck(obj, PyArrayDescr_Type_);
PyObject *(*PyArray_DescrFromType_)(int);
PyObject *(*PyArray_NewFromDescr_)
(PyTypeObject *, PyObject *, int, Py_intptr_t *,
Py_intptr_t *, void *, int, PyObject *);
PyObject *(*PyArray_DescrNewFromType_)(int);
PyObject *(*PyArray_NewCopy_)(PyObject *, int);
PyTypeObject *PyArray_Type_;
PyTypeObject *PyArrayDescr_Type_;
PyObject *(*PyArray_FromAny_) (PyObject *, PyObject *, int, int, int, PyObject *);
int (*PyArray_DescrConverter_) (PyObject *, PyObject **);
bool (*PyArray_EquivTypes_) (PyObject *, PyObject *);
int (*PyArray_GetArrayParamsFromObject_)(PyObject *, PyObject *, char, PyObject **, int *,
Py_ssize_t *, PyObject **, PyObject *);
PyObject *(*PyArray_Squeeze_)(PyObject *);
enum functions {
API_PyArray_Type = 2,
API_PyArrayDescr_Type = 3,
API_PyArray_DescrFromType = 45,
API_PyArray_FromAny = 69,
API_PyArray_NewCopy = 85,
API_PyArray_NewFromDescr = 94,
API_PyArray_DescrNewFromType = 9,
API_PyArray_DescrConverter = 174,
API_PyArray_EquivTypes = 182,
API_PyArray_GetArrayParamsFromObject = 278,
API_PyArray_Squeeze = 136
static npy_api lookup() {
module m = module::import("numpy.core.multiarray");
auto c = m.attr("_ARRAY_API");
void **api_ptr = (void **) PyCapsule_GetPointer(c.ptr(), NULL);
void **api_ptr = (void **) PyCObject_AsVoidPtr(c.ptr());
npy_api api;
#define DECL_NPY_API(Func) api.Func##_ = (decltype(api.Func##_)) api_ptr[API_##Func];
return api;
#define PyArray_GET_(ptr, attr) \
#define PyArrayDescr_GET_(ptr, attr) \
#define PyArray_FLAGS_(ptr) \
PyArray_GET_(ptr, flags)
#define PyArray_CHKFLAGS_(ptr, flag) \
(flag == (PyArray_FLAGS_(ptr) & flag))
class dtype : public object {
PYBIND11_OBJECT_DEFAULT(dtype, object, detail::npy_api::get().PyArrayDescr_Check_);
explicit dtype(const buffer_info &info) {
dtype descr(_dtype_from_pep3118()(PYBIND11_STR_TYPE(info.format)));
m_ptr = descr.strip_padding().release().ptr();
explicit dtype(const std::string &format) {
m_ptr = from_args(pybind11::str(format)).release().ptr();
explicit dtype(const char *format) : dtype(std::string(format)) { }
dtype(list names, list formats, list offsets, size_t itemsize) {
dict args;
args["names"] = names;
args["formats"] = formats;
args["offsets"] = offsets;
args["itemsize"] = pybind11::int_(itemsize);
m_ptr = from_args(args).release().ptr();
/// This is essentially the same as calling numpy.dtype(args) in Python.
static dtype from_args(object args) {
PyObject *ptr = nullptr;
if (!detail::npy_api::get().PyArray_DescrConverter_(args.release().ptr(), &ptr) || !ptr)
pybind11_fail("NumPy: failed to create structured dtype");
return object(ptr, false);
/// Return dtype associated with a C++ type.
template <typename T> static dtype of() {
return detail::npy_format_descriptor<typename std::remove_cv<T>::type>::dtype();
/// Size of the data type in bytes.
size_t itemsize() const {
return (size_t) PyArrayDescr_GET_(m_ptr, elsize);
/// Returns true for structured data types.
bool has_fields() const {
return PyArrayDescr_GET_(m_ptr, names) != nullptr;
/// Single-character type code.
char kind() const {
return PyArrayDescr_GET_(m_ptr, kind);
static object _dtype_from_pep3118() {
static PyObject *obj = module::import("numpy.core._internal")
return object(obj, true);
dtype strip_padding() {
// Recursively strip all void fields with empty names that are generated for
// padding fields (as of NumPy v1.11).
if (!has_fields())
return *this;
struct field_descr { PYBIND11_STR_TYPE name; object format; pybind11::int_ offset; };
std::vector<field_descr> field_descriptors;
for (auto field : attr("fields").attr("items")()) {
auto spec = object(field, true).cast<tuple>();
auto name = spec[0].cast<pybind11::str>();
auto format = spec[1].cast<tuple>()[0].cast<dtype>();
auto offset = spec[1].cast<tuple>()[1].cast<pybind11::int_>();
if (!len(name) && format.kind() == 'V')
field_descriptors.push_back({(PYBIND11_STR_TYPE) name, format.strip_padding(), offset});
std::sort(field_descriptors.begin(), field_descriptors.end(),
[](const field_descr& a, const field_descr& b) {
return a.offset.cast<int>() < b.offset.cast<int>();
list names, formats, offsets;
for (auto& descr : field_descriptors) {
return dtype(names, formats, offsets, itemsize());
class array : public buffer {
PYBIND11_OBJECT_DEFAULT(array, buffer, detail::npy_api::get().PyArray_Check_)
enum {
c_style = detail::npy_api::NPY_C_CONTIGUOUS_,
f_style = detail::npy_api::NPY_F_CONTIGUOUS_,
forcecast = detail::npy_api::NPY_ARRAY_FORCECAST_
array(const pybind11::dtype &dt, const std::vector<size_t> &shape,
const std::vector<size_t> &strides, const void *ptr = nullptr,
handle base = handle()) {
auto& api = detail::npy_api::get();
auto ndim = shape.size();
if (shape.size() != strides.size())
pybind11_fail("NumPy: shape ndim doesn't match strides ndim");
auto descr = dt;
int flags = 0;
if (base && ptr) {
array base_array(base, true);
if (base_array.check())
/* Copy flags from base (except baseship bit) */
flags = base_array.flags() & ~detail::npy_api::NPY_ARRAY_OWNDATA_;
/* Writable by default, easy to downgrade later on if needed */
flags = detail::npy_api::NPY_ARRAY_WRITEABLE_;
object tmp(api.PyArray_NewFromDescr_(
api.PyArray_Type_, descr.release().ptr(), (int) ndim, (Py_intptr_t *) shape.data(),
(Py_intptr_t *) strides.data(), const_cast<void *>(ptr), flags, nullptr), false);
if (!tmp)
pybind11_fail("NumPy: unable to create array!");
if (ptr) {
if (base) {
PyArray_GET_(tmp.ptr(), base) = base.inc_ref().ptr();
} else {
tmp = object(api.PyArray_NewCopy_(tmp.ptr(), -1 /* any order */), false);
m_ptr = tmp.release().ptr();
array(const pybind11::dtype &dt, const std::vector<size_t> &shape,
const void *ptr = nullptr, handle base = handle())
: array(dt, shape, default_strides(shape, dt.itemsize()), ptr, base) { }
array(const pybind11::dtype &dt, size_t count, const void *ptr = nullptr,
handle base = handle())
: array(dt, std::vector<size_t>{ count }, ptr, base) { }
template<typename T> array(const std::vector<size_t>& shape,
const std::vector<size_t>& strides,
const T* ptr, handle base = handle())
: array(pybind11::dtype::of<T>(), shape, strides, (void *) ptr, base) { }
template <typename T>
array(const std::vector<size_t> &shape, const T *ptr,
handle base = handle())
: array(shape, default_strides(shape, sizeof(T)), ptr, base) { }
template <typename T>
array(size_t count, const T *ptr, handle base = handle())
: array(std::vector<size_t>{ count }, ptr, base) { }
explicit array(const buffer_info &info)
: array(pybind11::dtype(info), info.shape, info.strides, info.ptr) { }
/// Array descriptor (dtype)
pybind11::dtype dtype() const {
return object(PyArray_GET_(m_ptr, descr), true);
/// Total number of elements
size_t size() const {
return std::accumulate(shape(), shape() + ndim(), (size_t) 1, std::multiplies<size_t>());
/// Byte size of a single element
size_t itemsize() const {
return (size_t) PyArrayDescr_GET_(PyArray_GET_(m_ptr, descr), elsize);
/// Total number of bytes
size_t nbytes() const {
return size() * itemsize();
/// Number of dimensions
size_t ndim() const {
return (size_t) PyArray_GET_(m_ptr, nd);
/// Base object
object base() const {
return object(PyArray_GET_(m_ptr, base), true);
/// Dimensions of the array
const size_t* shape() const {
return reinterpret_cast<const size_t *>(PyArray_GET_(m_ptr, dimensions));
/// Dimension along a given axis
size_t shape(size_t dim) const {
if (dim >= ndim())
fail_dim_check(dim, "invalid axis");
return shape()[dim];
/// Strides of the array
const size_t* strides() const {
return reinterpret_cast<const size_t *>(PyArray_GET_(m_ptr, strides));
/// Stride along a given axis
size_t strides(size_t dim) const {
if (dim >= ndim())
fail_dim_check(dim, "invalid axis");
return strides()[dim];
/// Return the NumPy array flags
int flags() const {
return PyArray_FLAGS_(m_ptr);
/// If set, the array is writeable (otherwise the buffer is read-only)
bool writeable() const {
return PyArray_CHKFLAGS_(m_ptr, detail::npy_api::NPY_ARRAY_WRITEABLE_);
/// If set, the array owns the data (will be freed when the array is deleted)
bool owndata() const {
return PyArray_CHKFLAGS_(m_ptr, detail::npy_api::NPY_ARRAY_OWNDATA_);
/// Pointer to the contained data. If index is not provided, points to the
/// beginning of the buffer. May throw if the index would lead to out of bounds access.
template<typename... Ix> const void* data(Ix&&... index) const {
return static_cast<const void *>(PyArray_GET_(m_ptr, data) + offset_at(index...));
/// Mutable pointer to the contained data. If index is not provided, points to the
/// beginning of the buffer. May throw if the index would lead to out of bounds access.
/// May throw if the array is not writeable.
template<typename... Ix> void* mutable_data(Ix&&... index) {
return static_cast<void *>(PyArray_GET_(m_ptr, data) + offset_at(index...));
/// Byte offset from beginning of the array to a given index (full or partial).
/// May throw if the index would lead to out of bounds access.
template<typename... Ix> size_t offset_at(Ix&&... index) const {
if (sizeof...(index) > ndim())
fail_dim_check(sizeof...(index), "too many indices for an array");
return get_byte_offset(index...);
size_t offset_at() const { return 0; }
/// Item count from beginning of the array to a given index (full or partial).
/// May throw if the index would lead to out of bounds access.
template<typename... Ix> size_t index_at(Ix&&... index) const {
return offset_at(index...) / itemsize();
/// Return a new view with all of the dimensions of length 1 removed
array squeeze() {
auto& api = detail::npy_api::get();
return array(api.PyArray_Squeeze_(m_ptr), false);
/// Ensure that the argument is a NumPy array
static array ensure(object input, int ExtraFlags = 0) {
auto& api = detail::npy_api::get();
return array(api.PyArray_FromAny_(
input.release().ptr(), nullptr, 0, 0, detail::npy_api::NPY_ENSURE_ARRAY_ | ExtraFlags, nullptr), false);
template<typename, typename> friend struct detail::npy_format_descriptor;
void fail_dim_check(size_t dim, const std::string& msg) const {
throw index_error(msg + ": " + std::to_string(dim) +
" (ndim = " + std::to_string(ndim()) + ")");
template<typename... Ix> size_t get_byte_offset(Ix&&... index) const {
const size_t idx[] = { (size_t) index... };
if (!std::equal(idx + 0, idx + sizeof...(index), shape(), std::less<size_t>{})) {
auto mismatch = std::mismatch(idx + 0, idx + sizeof...(index), shape(), std::less<size_t>{});
throw index_error(std::string("index ") + std::to_string(*mismatch.first) +
" is out of bounds for axis " + std::to_string(mismatch.first - idx) +
" with size " + std::to_string(*mismatch.second));
return std::inner_product(idx + 0, idx + sizeof...(index), strides(), (size_t) 0);
size_t get_byte_offset() const { return 0; }
void check_writeable() const {
if (!writeable())
throw std::runtime_error("array is not writeable");
static std::vector<size_t> default_strides(const std::vector<size_t>& shape, size_t itemsize) {
auto ndim = shape.size();
std::vector<size_t> strides(ndim);
if (ndim) {
std::fill(strides.begin(), strides.end(), itemsize);
for (size_t i = 0; i < ndim - 1; i++)
for (size_t j = 0; j < ndim - 1 - i; j++)
strides[j] *= shape[ndim - 1 - i];
return strides;
template <typename T, int ExtraFlags = array::forcecast> class array_t : public array {
PYBIND11_OBJECT_CVT(array_t, array, is_non_null, m_ptr = ensure_(m_ptr));
array_t() : array() { }
explicit array_t(const buffer_info& info) : array(info) { }
array_t(const std::vector<size_t> &shape,
const std::vector<size_t> &strides, const T *ptr = nullptr,
handle base = handle())
: array(shape, strides, ptr, base) { }
explicit array_t(const std::vector<size_t> &shape, const T *ptr = nullptr,
handle base = handle())
: array(shape, ptr, base) { }
explicit array_t(size_t count, const T *ptr = nullptr, handle base = handle())
: array(count, ptr, base) { }
constexpr size_t itemsize() const {
return sizeof(T);
template<typename... Ix> size_t index_at(Ix&... index) const {
return offset_at(index...) / itemsize();
template<typename... Ix> const T* data(Ix&&... index) const {
return static_cast<const T*>(array::data(index...));
template<typename... Ix> T* mutable_data(Ix&&... index) {
return static_cast<T*>(array::mutable_data(index...));
// Reference to element at a given index
template<typename... Ix> const T& at(Ix&&... index) const {
if (sizeof...(index) != ndim())
fail_dim_check(sizeof...(index), "index dimension mismatch");
// not using offset_at() / index_at() here so as to avoid another dimension check
return *(static_cast<const T*>(array::data()) + get_byte_offset(index...) / itemsize());
// Mutable reference to element at a given index
template<typename... Ix> T& mutable_at(Ix&&... index) {
if (sizeof...(index) != ndim())
fail_dim_check(sizeof...(index), "index dimension mismatch");
// not using offset_at() / index_at() here so as to avoid another dimension check
return *(static_cast<T*>(array::mutable_data()) + get_byte_offset(index...) / itemsize());
static bool is_non_null(PyObject *ptr) { return ptr != nullptr; }
static PyObject *ensure_(PyObject *ptr) {
if (ptr == nullptr)
return nullptr;
auto& api = detail::npy_api::get();
PyObject *result = api.PyArray_FromAny_(ptr, pybind11::dtype::of<T>().release().ptr(), 0, 0,
detail::npy_api::NPY_ENSURE_ARRAY_ | ExtraFlags, nullptr);
if (!result)
return result;
template <typename T>
struct format_descriptor<T, detail::enable_if_t<detail::is_pod_struct<T>::value>> {
static std::string format() {
return detail::npy_format_descriptor<typename std::remove_cv<T>::type>::format();
template <size_t N> struct format_descriptor<char[N]> {
static std::string format() { return std::to_string(N) + "s"; }
template <size_t N> struct format_descriptor<std::array<char, N>> {
static std::string format() { return std::to_string(N) + "s"; }
template <typename T>
struct format_descriptor<T, detail::enable_if_t<std::is_enum<T>::value>> {
static std::string format() {
return format_descriptor<
typename std::remove_cv<typename std::underlying_type<T>::type>::type>::format();
template <typename T> struct is_std_array : std::false_type { };
template <typename T, size_t N> struct is_std_array<std::array<T, N>> : std::true_type { };
template <typename T>
struct is_pod_struct {
enum { value = std::is_pod<T>::value && // offsetof only works correctly for POD types
!std::is_reference<T>::value &&
!std::is_array<T>::value &&
!is_std_array<T>::value &&
!std::is_integral<T>::value &&
!std::is_enum<T>::value &&
!std::is_same<typename std::remove_cv<T>::type, float>::value &&
!std::is_same<typename std::remove_cv<T>::type, double>::value &&
!std::is_same<typename std::remove_cv<T>::type, bool>::value &&
!std::is_same<typename std::remove_cv<T>::type, std::complex<float>>::value &&
!std::is_same<typename std::remove_cv<T>::type, std::complex<double>>::value };
template <typename T> struct npy_format_descriptor<T, enable_if_t<std::is_integral<T>::value>> {
constexpr static const int values[8] = {
npy_api::NPY_BYTE_, npy_api::NPY_UBYTE_, npy_api::NPY_SHORT_, npy_api::NPY_USHORT_,
npy_api::NPY_INT_, npy_api::NPY_UINT_, npy_api::NPY_LONGLONG_, npy_api::NPY_ULONGLONG_ };
enum { value = values[detail::log2(sizeof(T)) * 2 + (std::is_unsigned<T>::value ? 1 : 0)] };
static pybind11::dtype dtype() {
if (auto ptr = npy_api::get().PyArray_DescrFromType_(value))
return object(ptr, true);
pybind11_fail("Unsupported buffer format!");
template <typename T2 = T, enable_if_t<std::is_signed<T2>::value, int> = 0>
static PYBIND11_DESCR name() { return _("int") + _<sizeof(T)*8>(); }
template <typename T2 = T, enable_if_t<!std::is_signed<T2>::value, int> = 0>
static PYBIND11_DESCR name() { return _("uint") + _<sizeof(T)*8>(); }
template <typename T> constexpr const int npy_format_descriptor<
T, enable_if_t<std::is_integral<T>::value>>::values[8];
#define DECL_FMT(Type, NumPyName, Name) template<> struct npy_format_descriptor<Type> { \
enum { value = npy_api::NumPyName }; \
static pybind11::dtype dtype() { \
if (auto ptr = npy_api::get().PyArray_DescrFromType_(value)) \
return object(ptr, true); \
pybind11_fail("Unsupported buffer format!"); \
} \
static PYBIND11_DESCR name() { return _(Name); } }
DECL_FMT(float, NPY_FLOAT_, "float32");
DECL_FMT(double, NPY_DOUBLE_, "float64");
DECL_FMT(bool, NPY_BOOL_, "bool");
DECL_FMT(std::complex<float>, NPY_CFLOAT_, "complex64");
DECL_FMT(std::complex<double>, NPY_CDOUBLE_, "complex128");
#undef DECL_FMT
#define DECL_CHAR_FMT \
static PYBIND11_DESCR name() { return _("S") + _<N>(); } \
static pybind11::dtype dtype() { return pybind11::dtype(std::string("S") + std::to_string(N)); }
template <size_t N> struct npy_format_descriptor<char[N]> { DECL_CHAR_FMT };
template <size_t N> struct npy_format_descriptor<std::array<char, N>> { DECL_CHAR_FMT };
template<typename T> struct npy_format_descriptor<T, enable_if_t<std::is_enum<T>::value>> {
using base_descr = npy_format_descriptor<typename std::underlying_type<T>::type>;
static PYBIND11_DESCR name() { return base_descr::name(); }
static pybind11::dtype dtype() { return base_descr::dtype(); }
struct field_descriptor {
const char *name;
size_t offset;
size_t size;
std::string format;
dtype descr;
template <typename T>
struct npy_format_descriptor<T, enable_if_t<is_pod_struct<T>::value>> {
static PYBIND11_DESCR name() { return _("struct"); }
static pybind11::dtype dtype() {
if (!dtype_ptr)
pybind11_fail("NumPy: unsupported buffer format!");
return object(dtype_ptr, true);
static std::string format() {
if (!dtype_ptr)
pybind11_fail("NumPy: unsupported buffer format!");
return format_str;
static void register_dtype(std::initializer_list<field_descriptor> fields) {
list names, formats, offsets;
for (auto field : fields) {
if (!field.descr)
pybind11_fail("NumPy: unsupported field dtype");
dtype_ptr = pybind11::dtype(names, formats, offsets, sizeof(T)).release().ptr();
// There is an existing bug in NumPy (as of v1.11): trailing bytes are
// not encoded explicitly into the format string. This will supposedly
// get fixed in v1.12; for further details, see these:
// - https://github.com/numpy/numpy/issues/7797
// - https://github.com/numpy/numpy/pull/7798
// Because of this, we won't use numpy's logic to generate buffer format
// strings and will just do it ourselves.
std::vector<field_descriptor> ordered_fields(fields);
std::sort(ordered_fields.begin(), ordered_fields.end(),
[](const field_descriptor &a, const field_descriptor &b) {
return a.offset < b.offset;
size_t offset = 0;
std::ostringstream oss;
oss << "T{";
for (auto& field : ordered_fields) {
if (field.offset > offset)
oss << (field.offset - offset) << 'x';
// note that '=' is required to cover the case of unaligned fields
oss << '=' << field.format << ':' << field.name << ':';
offset = field.offset + field.size;
if (sizeof(T) > offset)
oss << (sizeof(T) - offset) << 'x';
oss << '}';
format_str = oss.str();
// Sanity check: verify that NumPy properly parses our buffer format string
auto& api = npy_api::get();
auto arr = array(buffer_info(nullptr, sizeof(T), format(), 1));
if (!api.PyArray_EquivTypes_(dtype_ptr, arr.dtype().ptr()))
pybind11_fail("NumPy: invalid buffer descriptor!");
static std::string format_str;
static PyObject* dtype_ptr;
template <typename T>
std::string npy_format_descriptor<T, enable_if_t<is_pod_struct<T>::value>>::format_str;
template <typename T>
PyObject* npy_format_descriptor<T, enable_if_t<is_pod_struct<T>::value>>::dtype_ptr = nullptr;
// Extract name, offset and format descriptor for a struct field
#define PYBIND11_FIELD_DESCRIPTOR(Type, Field) \
::pybind11::detail::field_descriptor { \
#Field, offsetof(Type, Field), sizeof(decltype(static_cast<Type*>(0)->Field)), \
::pybind11::format_descriptor<decltype(static_cast<Type*>(0)->Field)>::format(), \
::pybind11::detail::npy_format_descriptor<decltype(static_cast<Type*>(0)->Field)>::dtype() \
// The main idea of this macro is borrowed from https://github.com/swansontec/map-macro
// (C) William Swanson, Paul Fultz
#define PYBIND11_EVAL0(...) __VA_ARGS__
#define PYBIND11_MAP_END(...)
#define PYBIND11_MAP_OUT
#define PYBIND11_MAP_COMMA ,
#define PYBIND11_MAP_NEXT0(test, next, ...) next PYBIND11_MAP_OUT
#define PYBIND11_MAP_NEXT1(test, next) PYBIND11_MAP_NEXT0 (test, next, 0)
#define PYBIND11_MAP_NEXT(test, next) PYBIND11_MAP_NEXT1 (PYBIND11_MAP_GET_END test, next)
#ifdef _MSC_VER // MSVC is not as eager to expand macros, hence this workaround
#define PYBIND11_MAP_LIST_NEXT1(test, next) \
#define PYBIND11_MAP_LIST_NEXT1(test, next) \
#define PYBIND11_MAP_LIST_NEXT(test, next) \
#define PYBIND11_MAP_LIST0(f, t, x, peek, ...) \
f(t, x) PYBIND11_MAP_LIST_NEXT (peek, PYBIND11_MAP_LIST1) (f, t, peek, __VA_ARGS__)
#define PYBIND11_MAP_LIST1(f, t, x, peek, ...) \
f(t, x) PYBIND11_MAP_LIST_NEXT (peek, PYBIND11_MAP_LIST0) (f, t, peek, __VA_ARGS__)
// PYBIND11_MAP_LIST(f, t, a1, a2, ...) expands to f(t, a1), f(t, a2), ...
#define PYBIND11_MAP_LIST(f, t, ...) \
PYBIND11_EVAL (PYBIND11_MAP_LIST1 (f, t, __VA_ARGS__, (), 0))
#define PYBIND11_NUMPY_DTYPE(Type, ...) \
::pybind11::detail::npy_format_descriptor<Type>::register_dtype \
template <class T>
using array_iterator = typename std::add_pointer<T>::type;
template <class T>
array_iterator<T> array_begin(const buffer_info& buffer) {
return array_iterator<T>(reinterpret_cast<T*>(buffer.ptr));
template <class T>
array_iterator<T> array_end(const buffer_info& buffer) {
return array_iterator<T>(reinterpret_cast<T*>(buffer.ptr) + buffer.size);
class common_iterator {
using container_type = std::vector<size_t>;
using value_type = container_type::value_type;
using size_type = container_type::size_type;
common_iterator() : p_ptr(0), m_strides() {}
common_iterator(void* ptr, const container_type& strides, const std::vector<size_t>& shape)
: p_ptr(reinterpret_cast<char*>(ptr)), m_strides(strides.size()) {
m_strides.back() = static_cast<value_type>(strides.back());
for (size_type i = m_strides.size() - 1; i != 0; --i) {
size_type j = i - 1;
value_type s = static_cast<value_type>(shape[i]);
m_strides[j] = strides[j] + m_strides[i] - strides[i] * s;
void increment(size_type dim) {
p_ptr += m_strides[dim];
void* data() const {
return p_ptr;
char* p_ptr;
container_type m_strides;
template <size_t N> class multi_array_iterator {
using container_type = std::vector<size_t>;
multi_array_iterator(const std::array<buffer_info, N> &buffers,
const std::vector<size_t> &shape)
: m_shape(shape.size()), m_index(shape.size(), 0),
m_common_iterator() {
// Manual copy to avoid conversion warning if using std::copy
for (size_t i = 0; i < shape.size(); ++i)
m_shape[i] = static_cast<container_type::value_type>(shape[i]);
container_type strides(shape.size());
for (size_t i = 0; i < N; ++i)
init_common_iterator(buffers[i], shape, m_common_iterator[i], strides);
multi_array_iterator& operator++() {
for (size_t j = m_index.size(); j != 0; --j) {
size_t i = j - 1;
if (++m_index[i] != m_shape[i]) {
} else {
m_index[i] = 0;
return *this;
template <size_t K, class T> const T& data() const {
return *reinterpret_cast<T*>(m_common_iterator[K].data());
using common_iter = common_iterator;
void init_common_iterator(const buffer_info &buffer,
const std::vector<size_t> &shape,
common_iter &iterator, container_type &strides) {
auto buffer_shape_iter = buffer.shape.rbegin();
auto buffer_strides_iter = buffer.strides.rbegin();
auto shape_iter = shape.rbegin();
auto strides_iter = strides.rbegin();
while (buffer_shape_iter != buffer.shape.rend()) {
if (*shape_iter == *buffer_shape_iter)
*strides_iter = static_cast<size_t>(*buffer_strides_iter);
*strides_iter = 0;
std::fill(strides_iter, strides.rend(), 0);
iterator = common_iter(buffer.ptr, strides, shape);
void increment_common_iterator(size_t dim) {
for (auto &iter : m_common_iterator)
container_type m_shape;
container_type m_index;
std::array<common_iter, N> m_common_iterator;
template <size_t N>
bool broadcast(const std::array<buffer_info, N>& buffers, size_t& ndim, std::vector<size_t>& shape) {
ndim = std::accumulate(buffers.begin(), buffers.end(), size_t(0), [](size_t res, const buffer_info& buf) {
return std::max(res, buf.ndim);
shape = std::vector<size_t>(ndim, 1);
bool trivial_broadcast = true;
for (size_t i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
auto res_iter = shape.rbegin();
bool i_trivial_broadcast = (buffers[i].size == 1) || (buffers[i].ndim == ndim);
for (auto shape_iter = buffers[i].shape.rbegin();
shape_iter != buffers[i].shape.rend(); ++shape_iter, ++res_iter) {
if (*res_iter == 1)
*res_iter = *shape_iter;
else if ((*shape_iter != 1) && (*res_iter != *shape_iter))
pybind11_fail("pybind11::vectorize: incompatible size/dimension of inputs!");
i_trivial_broadcast = i_trivial_broadcast && (*res_iter == *shape_iter);
trivial_broadcast = trivial_broadcast && i_trivial_broadcast;
return trivial_broadcast;
template <typename Func, typename Return, typename... Args>
struct vectorize_helper {
typename std::remove_reference<Func>::type f;
template <typename T>
explicit vectorize_helper(T&&f) : f(std::forward<T>(f)) { }
object operator()(array_t<Args, array::c_style | array::forcecast>... args) {
return run(args..., typename make_index_sequence<sizeof...(Args)>::type());
template <size_t ... Index> object run(array_t<Args, array::c_style | array::forcecast>&... args, index_sequence<Index...> index) {
/* Request buffers from all parameters */
const size_t N = sizeof...(Args);
std::array<buffer_info, N> buffers {{ args.request()... }};
/* Determine dimensions parameters of output array */
size_t ndim = 0;
std::vector<size_t> shape(0);
bool trivial_broadcast = broadcast(buffers, ndim, shape);
size_t size = 1;
std::vector<size_t> strides(ndim);
if (ndim > 0) {
strides[ndim-1] = sizeof(Return);
for (size_t i = ndim - 1; i > 0; --i) {
strides[i - 1] = strides[i] * shape[i];
size *= shape[i];
size *= shape[0];
if (size == 1)
return cast(f(*((Args *) buffers[Index].ptr)...));
array_t<Return> result(shape, strides);
auto buf = result.request();
auto output = (Return *) buf.ptr;
if (trivial_broadcast) {
/* Call the function */
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
output[i] = f((buffers[Index].size == 1
? *((Args *) buffers[Index].ptr)
: ((Args *) buffers[Index].ptr)[i])...);
} else {
apply_broadcast<N, Index...>(buffers, buf, index);
return result;
template <size_t N, size_t... Index>
void apply_broadcast(const std::array<buffer_info, N> &buffers,
buffer_info &output, index_sequence<Index...>) {
using input_iterator = multi_array_iterator<N>;
using output_iterator = array_iterator<Return>;
input_iterator input_iter(buffers, output.shape);
output_iterator output_end = array_end<Return>(output);
for (output_iterator iter = array_begin<Return>(output);
iter != output_end; ++iter, ++input_iter) {
*iter = f((input_iter.template data<Index, Args>())...);
template <typename T, int Flags> struct handle_type_name<array_t<T, Flags>> {
static PYBIND11_DESCR name() { return _("numpy.ndarray[") + type_caster<T>::name() + _("]"); }
template <typename Func, typename Return, typename... Args>
detail::vectorize_helper<Func, Return, Args...> vectorize(const Func &f, Return (*) (Args ...)) {
return detail::vectorize_helper<Func, Return, Args...>(f);
template <typename Return, typename... Args>
detail::vectorize_helper<Return (*) (Args ...), Return, Args...> vectorize(Return (*f) (Args ...)) {
return vectorize<Return (*) (Args ...), Return, Args...>(f, f);
template <typename Func>
auto vectorize(Func &&f) -> decltype(
vectorize(std::forward<Func>(f), (typename detail::remove_class<decltype(&std::remove_reference<Func>::type::operator())>::type *) nullptr)) {
return vectorize(std::forward<Func>(f), (typename detail::remove_class<decltype(
&std::remove_reference<Func>::type::operator())>::type *) nullptr);
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#pragma warning(pop)