mirror of
synced 2025-03-12 07:49:28 +00:00
* Add `npy_format_descriptor<PyObject *>` to enable `py::array_t<PyObject *>` to/from-python conversions.
* resolve clang-tidy warning
* Use existing constructor instead of adding a static method. Thanks @Skylion007 for pointing out.
* Add `format_descriptor<PyObject *>`
Trivial addition, but still in search for a meaningful test.
* Add test_format_descriptor_format
* Ensure the Eigen `type_caster`s do not segfault when loading arrays with dtype=object
* Use `static_assert()` `!std::is_pointer<>` to replace runtime guards.
* Add comments to explain how to check for ref-count bugs. (NO code changes.)
* Make the "Pointer types ... are not supported" message Eigen-specific, as suggested by @Lalaland. Move to new pybind11/eigen/common.h header.
* Change "format_descriptor_format" implementation as suggested by @Lalaland. Additional tests meant to ensure consistency between py::format_descriptor<>, np.array, np.format_parser turn out to be useful only to highlight long-standing inconsistencies.
* resolve clang-tidy warning
* Account for np.float128, np.complex256 not being available on Windows, in a future-proof way.
* Fully address i|q|l ambiguity (hopefully).
* Remove the new `np.format_parser()`-based test, it's much more distracting than useful.
* Use bi.itemsize to disambiguate "l" or "L"
* Use `py::detail::compare_buffer_info<T>::compare()` to validate the `format_descriptor<T>::format()` strings.
* Add `buffer_info::compare<T>` to make `detail::compare_buffer_info<T>::compare` more visible & accessible.
* silence clang-tidy warning
* pytest-compatible access to np.float128, np.complex256
* Revert "pytest-compatible access to np.float128, np.complex256"
This reverts commit e9a289c50f
* Use `sizeof(long double) == sizeof(double)` instead of `std::is_same<>`
* Report skipped `long double` tests.
* Change the name of the new `buffer_info` member function to `item_type_is_equivalent_to`. Add comment defining "equivalent" by example.
* Change `item_type_is_equivalent_to<>()` from `static` function to member function, as suggested by @Lalaland
260 lines
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260 lines
10 KiB
tests/test_buffers.cpp -- supporting Pythons' buffer protocol
Copyright (c) 2016 Wenzel Jakob <wenzel.jakob@epfl.ch>
All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include <pybind11/complex.h>
#include <pybind11/stl.h>
#include "constructor_stats.h"
#include "pybind11_tests.h"
TEST_SUBMODULE(buffers, m) {
m.attr("long_double_and_double_have_same_size") = (sizeof(long double) == sizeof(double));
[](const std::string &cpp_name, const py::buffer &buffer) {
// https://google.github.io/styleguide/cppguide.html#Static_and_Global_Variables
static auto *format_table = new std::map<std::string, std::string>;
static auto *equiv_table
= new std::map<std::string, bool (py::buffer_info::*)() const>;
if (format_table->empty()) {
#define PYBIND11_ASSIGN_HELPER(...) \
(*format_table)[#__VA_ARGS__] = py::format_descriptor<__VA_ARGS__>::format(); \
(*equiv_table)[#__VA_ARGS__] = &py::buffer_info::item_type_is_equivalent_to<__VA_ARGS__>;
PYBIND11_ASSIGN_HELPER(std::complex<long double>)
return std::pair<std::string, bool>(
(*format_table)[cpp_name], (buffer.request().*((*equiv_table)[cpp_name]))());
// test_from_python / test_to_python:
class Matrix {
Matrix(py::ssize_t rows, py::ssize_t cols) : m_rows(rows), m_cols(cols) {
print_created(this, std::to_string(m_rows) + "x" + std::to_string(m_cols) + " matrix");
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(cppcoreguidelines-prefer-member-initializer)
m_data = new float[(size_t) (rows * cols)];
memset(m_data, 0, sizeof(float) * (size_t) (rows * cols));
Matrix(const Matrix &s) : m_rows(s.m_rows), m_cols(s.m_cols) {
std::to_string(m_rows) + "x" + std::to_string(m_cols) + " matrix");
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(cppcoreguidelines-prefer-member-initializer)
m_data = new float[(size_t) (m_rows * m_cols)];
memcpy(m_data, s.m_data, sizeof(float) * (size_t) (m_rows * m_cols));
Matrix(Matrix &&s) noexcept : m_rows(s.m_rows), m_cols(s.m_cols), m_data(s.m_data) {
s.m_rows = 0;
s.m_cols = 0;
s.m_data = nullptr;
~Matrix() {
std::to_string(m_rows) + "x" + std::to_string(m_cols) + " matrix");
delete[] m_data;
Matrix &operator=(const Matrix &s) {
if (this == &s) {
return *this;
std::to_string(m_rows) + "x" + std::to_string(m_cols) + " matrix");
delete[] m_data;
m_rows = s.m_rows;
m_cols = s.m_cols;
m_data = new float[(size_t) (m_rows * m_cols)];
memcpy(m_data, s.m_data, sizeof(float) * (size_t) (m_rows * m_cols));
return *this;
Matrix &operator=(Matrix &&s) noexcept {
std::to_string(m_rows) + "x" + std::to_string(m_cols) + " matrix");
if (&s != this) {
delete[] m_data;
m_rows = s.m_rows;
m_cols = s.m_cols;
m_data = s.m_data;
s.m_rows = 0;
s.m_cols = 0;
s.m_data = nullptr;
return *this;
float operator()(py::ssize_t i, py::ssize_t j) const {
return m_data[(size_t) (i * m_cols + j)];
float &operator()(py::ssize_t i, py::ssize_t j) {
return m_data[(size_t) (i * m_cols + j)];
float *data() { return m_data; }
py::ssize_t rows() const { return m_rows; }
py::ssize_t cols() const { return m_cols; }
py::ssize_t m_rows;
py::ssize_t m_cols;
float *m_data;
py::class_<Matrix>(m, "Matrix", py::buffer_protocol())
.def(py::init<py::ssize_t, py::ssize_t>())
/// Construct from a buffer
.def(py::init([](const py::buffer &b) {
py::buffer_info info = b.request();
if (info.format != py::format_descriptor<float>::format() || info.ndim != 2) {
throw std::runtime_error("Incompatible buffer format!");
auto *v = new Matrix(info.shape[0], info.shape[1]);
memcpy(v->data(), info.ptr, sizeof(float) * (size_t) (v->rows() * v->cols()));
return v;
.def("rows", &Matrix::rows)
.def("cols", &Matrix::cols)
/// Bare bones interface
[](const Matrix &m, std::pair<py::ssize_t, py::ssize_t> i) {
if (i.first >= m.rows() || i.second >= m.cols()) {
throw py::index_error();
return m(i.first, i.second);
[](Matrix &m, std::pair<py::ssize_t, py::ssize_t> i, float v) {
if (i.first >= m.rows() || i.second >= m.cols()) {
throw py::index_error();
m(i.first, i.second) = v;
/// Provide buffer access
.def_buffer([](Matrix &m) -> py::buffer_info {
return py::buffer_info(
m.data(), /* Pointer to buffer */
{m.rows(), m.cols()}, /* Buffer dimensions */
{sizeof(float) * size_t(m.cols()), /* Strides (in bytes) for each index */
// test_inherited_protocol
class SquareMatrix : public Matrix {
explicit SquareMatrix(py::ssize_t n) : Matrix(n, n) {}
// Derived classes inherit the buffer protocol and the buffer access function
py::class_<SquareMatrix, Matrix>(m, "SquareMatrix").def(py::init<py::ssize_t>());
// test_pointer_to_member_fn
// Tests that passing a pointer to member to the base class works in
// the derived class.
struct Buffer {
int32_t value = 0;
py::buffer_info get_buffer_info() {
return py::buffer_info(
&value, sizeof(value), py::format_descriptor<int32_t>::format(), 1);
py::class_<Buffer>(m, "Buffer", py::buffer_protocol())
.def_readwrite("value", &Buffer::value)
class ConstBuffer {
std::unique_ptr<int32_t> value;
int32_t get_value() const { return *value; }
void set_value(int32_t v) { *value = v; }
py::buffer_info get_buffer_info() const {
return py::buffer_info(
value.get(), sizeof(*value), py::format_descriptor<int32_t>::format(), 1);
ConstBuffer() : value(new int32_t{0}) {}
py::class_<ConstBuffer>(m, "ConstBuffer", py::buffer_protocol())
.def_property("value", &ConstBuffer::get_value, &ConstBuffer::set_value)
struct DerivedBuffer : public Buffer {};
py::class_<DerivedBuffer>(m, "DerivedBuffer", py::buffer_protocol())
.def_readwrite("value", (int32_t DerivedBuffer::*) &DerivedBuffer::value)
struct BufferReadOnly {
const uint8_t value = 0;
explicit BufferReadOnly(uint8_t value) : value(value) {}
py::buffer_info get_buffer_info() { return py::buffer_info(&value, 1); }
py::class_<BufferReadOnly>(m, "BufferReadOnly", py::buffer_protocol())
struct BufferReadOnlySelect {
uint8_t value = 0;
bool readonly = false;
py::buffer_info get_buffer_info() { return py::buffer_info(&value, 1, readonly); }
py::class_<BufferReadOnlySelect>(m, "BufferReadOnlySelect", py::buffer_protocol())
.def_readwrite("value", &BufferReadOnlySelect::value)
.def_readwrite("readonly", &BufferReadOnlySelect::readonly)
// Expose buffer_info for testing.
py::class_<py::buffer_info>(m, "buffer_info")
.def_readonly("itemsize", &py::buffer_info::itemsize)
.def_readonly("size", &py::buffer_info::size)
.def_readonly("format", &py::buffer_info::format)
.def_readonly("ndim", &py::buffer_info::ndim)
.def_readonly("shape", &py::buffer_info::shape)
.def_readonly("strides", &py::buffer_info::strides)
.def_readonly("readonly", &py::buffer_info::readonly)
.def("__repr__", [](py::handle self) {
return py::str("itemsize={0.itemsize!r}, size={0.size!r}, format={0.format!r}, "
"ndim={0.ndim!r}, shape={0.shape!r}, strides={0.strides!r}, "
m.def("get_buffer_info", [](const py::buffer &buffer) { return buffer.request(); });