
294 lines
12 KiB
Raw Normal View History

import type { Component } from 'vue'
import { Fragment, Teleport, computed, createStaticVNode, createVNode, defineComponent, getCurrentInstance, h, nextTick, onMounted, ref, toRaw, watch, withMemo } from 'vue'
import { debounce } from 'perfect-debounce'
import { hash } from 'ohash'
import { appendResponseHeader } from 'h3'
import { useHead } from '@unhead/vue'
import { randomUUID } from 'uncrypto'
import { joinURL, withQuery } from 'ufo'
import type { FetchResponse } from 'ofetch'
import { join } from 'pathe'
// eslint-disable-next-line import/no-restricted-paths
import type { NuxtIslandResponse } from '../../core/runtime/nitro/renderer'
import { useNuxtApp, useRuntimeConfig } from '../nuxt'
import { prerenderRoutes, useRequestEvent } from '../composables/ssr'
import { getFragmentHTML } from './utils'
// @ts-expect-error virtual file
import { remoteComponentIslands, selectiveClient } from '#build/nuxt.config.mjs'
const pKey = '_islandPromises'
const SSR_UID_RE = /data-island-uid="([^"]*)"/
const DATA_ISLAND_UID_RE = /data-island-uid(="")?(?!="[^"])/g
const SLOTNAME_RE = /data-island-slot="([^"]*)"/g
const SLOT_FALLBACK_RE = / data-island-slot="([^"]*)"[^>]*>/g
let id = 1
const getId = import.meta.client ? () => (id++).toString() : randomUUID
const components = import.meta.client ? new Map<string, Component>() : undefined
async function loadComponents (source = '/', paths: NuxtIslandResponse['components']) {
const promises = []
for (const component in paths) {
if (!(components!.has(component))) {
promises.push((async () => {
const chunkSource = join(source, paths[component].chunk)
const c = await import(/* @vite-ignore */ chunkSource).then(m => m.default || m)
components!.set(component, c)
await Promise.all(promises)
export default defineComponent({
name: 'NuxtIsland',
props: {
name: {
type: String,
required: true
lazy: Boolean,
props: {
type: Object,
default: () => undefined
context: {
type: Object,
default: () => ({})
source: {
type: String,
default: () => undefined
dangerouslyLoadClientComponents: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
async setup (props, { slots, expose }) {
let canTeleport = import.meta.server
const teleportKey = ref(0)
const key = ref(0)
const canLoadClientComponent = computed(() => selectiveClient && (props.dangerouslyLoadClientComponents || !props.source))
const error = ref<unknown>(null)
const config = useRuntimeConfig()
const nuxtApp = useNuxtApp()
const filteredProps = computed(() => props.props ? Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(props.props).filter(([key]) => !key.startsWith('data-v-'))) : {})
const hashId = computed(() => hash([, filteredProps.value, props.context, props.source]))
const instance = getCurrentInstance()!
const event = useRequestEvent()
// TODO: remove use of `$fetch.raw` when nitro 503 issues on windows dev server are resolved
const eventFetch = import.meta.server ? event!.fetch : ? $fetch.raw : globalThis.fetch
const mounted = ref(false)
onMounted(() => { mounted.value = true; teleportKey.value++ })
function setPayload (key: string, result: NuxtIslandResponse) {[key] = {
__nuxt_island: {
...(import.meta.server && import.meta.prerender)
? {}
: { params: { ...props.context, props: props.props ? JSON.stringify(props.props) : undefined } },
result: {
props: result.props,
slots: result.slots,
components: result.components
const payloads: Required<Pick<NuxtIslandResponse, 'slots' | 'components'>> = {
slots: {},
components: {}
if (nuxtApp.isHydrating) {
payloads.slots = toRaw([`${}_${hashId.value}`])?.slots ?? {}
payloads.components = toRaw([`${}_${hashId.value}`])?.components ?? {}
const ssrHTML = ref<string>('')
if (import.meta.client && nuxtApp.isHydrating) {
ssrHTML.value = getFragmentHTML(instance.vnode?.el ?? null, true)?.join('') || ''
const key = `${}_${hashId.value}`[key].html = ssrHTML.value
const uid = ref<string>(ssrHTML.value.match(SSR_UID_RE)?.[1] ?? getId())
const availableSlots = computed(() => [...ssrHTML.value.matchAll(SLOTNAME_RE)].map(m => m[1]))
const html = computed(() => {
const currentSlots = Object.keys(slots)
let html = ssrHTML.value
if (import.meta.client && !canLoadClientComponent.value) {
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(payloads.components || {})) {
html = html.replace(new RegExp(` data-island-uid="${uid.value}" data-island-component="${key}"[^>]*>`), (full) => {
return full + value.html
return html.replaceAll(SLOT_FALLBACK_RE, (full, slotName) => {
if (!currentSlots.includes(slotName)) {
return full + (payloads.slots[slotName]?.fallback || '')
return full
const cHead = ref<Record<'link' | 'style', Array<Record<string, string>>>>({ link: [], style: [] })
async function _fetchComponent (force = false) {
const key = `${}_${hashId.value}`
if (!force &&[key]?.html) { return[key] }
const url = remoteComponentIslands && props.source ? new URL(`/__nuxt_island/${key}.json`, props.source).href : `/__nuxt_island/${key}.json`
if (import.meta.server && import.meta.prerender) {
// Hint to Nitro to prerender the island component
nuxtApp.runWithContext(() => prerenderRoutes(url))
// TODO: Validate response
// $fetch handles the app.baseURL in dev
const r = await eventFetch(withQuery((( && import.meta.client) || props.source) ? url : joinURL( ?? '', url), {
props: props.props ? JSON.stringify(props.props) : undefined
const result = import.meta.server || ! ? await r.json() : (r as FetchResponse<NuxtIslandResponse>)._data
// TODO: support passing on more headers
if (import.meta.server && import.meta.prerender) {
const hints = r.headers.get('x-nitro-prerender')
if (hints) {
appendResponseHeader(event!, 'x-nitro-prerender', hints)
setPayload(key, result)
return result
async function fetchComponent (force = false) {
nuxtApp[pKey] = nuxtApp[pKey] || {}
if (!nuxtApp[pKey][uid.value]) {
nuxtApp[pKey][uid.value] = _fetchComponent(force).finally(() => {
delete nuxtApp[pKey]![uid.value]
try {
const res: NuxtIslandResponse = await nuxtApp[pKey][uid.value] = =
ssrHTML.value = res.html.replaceAll(DATA_ISLAND_UID_RE, `data-island-uid="${uid.value}"`)
error.value = null
payloads.slots = res.slots || {}
payloads.components = res.components || {}
if (selectiveClient && import.meta.client) {
if (canLoadClientComponent.value && res.components) {
await loadComponents(props.source, res.components)
if (import.meta.client) {
// must await next tick for Teleport to work correctly with static node re-rendering
nextTick(() => {
canTeleport = true
} catch (e) {
error.value = e
refresh: () => fetchComponent(true)
if ( {`nuxt-server-component:${}`, () => {
if (import.meta.client) {
watch(props, debounce(() => fetchComponent(), 100), { deep: true })
if (import.meta.client && !instance.vnode.el && props.lazy) {
} else if (import.meta.server || !instance.vnode.el || !nuxtApp.payload.serverRendered) {
await fetchComponent()
} else if (selectiveClient && canLoadClientComponent.value) {
await loadComponents(props.source, payloads.components)
return (_ctx: any, _cache: any) => {
if (!html.value || error.value) {
return [slots.fallback?.({ error: error.value }) ?? createVNode('div')]
return [
withMemo([key.value], () => {
return createVNode(Fragment, { key: key.value }, [h(createStaticVNode(html.value || '<div></div>', 1))])
}, _cache, 0),
// should away be triggered ONE tick after re-rendering the static node
withMemo([teleportKey.value], () => {
const teleports = []
// this is used to force trigger Teleport when vue makes the diff between old and new node
const isKeyOdd = teleportKey.value === 0 || !!(teleportKey.value && !(teleportKey.value % 2))
if (uid.value && html.value && (import.meta.server || props.lazy ? canTeleport : mounted.value || nuxtApp.isHydrating)) {
for (const slot in slots) {
if (availableSlots.value.includes(slot)) {
// use different selectors for even and odd teleportKey to force trigger the teleport
{ to: import.meta.client ? `${isKeyOdd ? 'div' : ''}[data-island-uid="${uid.value}"][data-island-slot="${slot}"]` : `uid=${uid.value};slot=${slot}` },
{ default: () => (payloads.slots[slot].props?.length ? payloads.slots[slot].props : [{}]).map((data: any) => slots[slot]?.(data)) })
if (import.meta.server) {
for (const [id, info] of Object.entries(payloads.components ?? {})) {
const { html, slots } = info
let replaced = html.replaceAll('data-island-uid', `data-island-uid="${uid.value}"`)
for (const slot in slots) {
replaced = replaced.replaceAll(`data-island-slot="${slot}">`, (full) => full + slots[slot])
teleports.push(createVNode(Teleport, { to: `uid=${uid.value};client=${id}` }, {
default: () => [createStaticVNode(replaced, 1)]
} else if (selectiveClient && import.meta.client && canLoadClientComponent.value) {
for (const [id, info] of Object.entries(payloads.components ?? {})) {
const { props, slots } = info
const component = components!.get(id)!
// use different selectors for even and odd teleportKey to force trigger the teleport
const vnode = createVNode(Teleport, { to: `${isKeyOdd ? 'div' : ''}[data-island-uid='${uid.value}'][data-island-component="${id}"]` }, {
default: () => {
return [h(component, props, Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(slots || {}).map(([k, v]) => ([k, () => createStaticVNode(`<div style="display: contents" data-island-uid data-island-slot="${k}">${v}</div>`, 1)
return h(Fragment, teleports)
}, _cache, 1)