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Getting started with Nuxt 3 is straightforward.

::alert Please skip this section if want to migrate an existing Nuxt 2 project and go to the Bridge section.
Learn more in Introduction. ::

New project

Open a terminal, or from Visual Studio Code, open an integrated terminal and use the following command to create a new starter project:

npx nuxi init nuxt3-app

Open nuxt3-app folder in visual studio code:

code -r nuxt3-app

Install the dependencies:


yarn install
npm install


Development Server

Now you'll be able to use yarn dev to start nuxt app in development mode:


yarn dev -o
npm run dev -- -o


::alert{type=success icon= .font-bold} Well done! A browser window should automatically open http://localhost:3000 ::

Next steps

Once you created your Nuxt 3 project, you are ready to start building your application.