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Nuxt is constantly evolving, with new features and modules being added all the time.

This page lists the current status and schedule of our planned releases.

📢 Announcements

📝 Status Reports

Current Releases

Nuxt 3 is stable* and available as the nuxt npm tag with latest tag.

The latest updates on Nuxt 2.x are available via the nuxt-edge npm package and are expected to be released soon for forward compatibility. A minor version is expected during Autumn, 2022 as nuxt@2.16 with cumulative updates for future compatibility with Bridge.

Release npm Status Last Release Docs Repository
Nuxt 3.x nuxt Stable 3.x docs nuxt/nuxt
Nuxt 3.x (edge*) nuxt3 Development 3.x docs nuxt/nuxt
Nuxt 2.x nuxt Maintenance 2.x docs nuxt/nuxt#2.x
Nuxt 2.x (edge*) nuxt-edge Maintenance 2.x docs nuxt/nuxt

(*) Edge releases are automated after each commit passing tests

🛣️ Roadmap

In roadmap below are the major expected features that are coming soon with Nuxt 3.

💡 Check Discussions and RFCs for more upcoming features and ideas.

Milestone Expected date Notes Description
Image 2022 nuxt/image#548 Stable image optimization for Nuxt 3
Test Utils 2022 nuxt/nuxt#13372 A rewrite of nuxt/test-utils for testing Nuxt 3 and new modules
SEO & PWA 2022 nuxt/nuxt#18395 Migrating from nuxt-community/pwa-module for built-in SEO utils and service worker support
Scripts - nuxt/nuxt#16119 Easy 3rd party script management.
DevTools - - Integrated and modular devtools experience for Nuxt
Translations - nuxt/translations#4 (request access) A collaborative project for a stable translation process for Nuxt 3 docs. Currently pending for ideas and documentation tooling support (content v2 with remote sources).

📦 Core Modules

In addition to the Nuxt framework, there are modules that are vital for the ecosystem. Their status will be updated below.

Module Status Nuxt Support Repository Description
Content Active 3.x nuxt/content Released
Auth Planned 3.x nuxt/auth to be announced Nuxt 3 support is planned after session support
Image Active 2.x and 3.x nuxt/image Nuxt 3 support is in progress: nuxt/image#548
Telemetry Active 2.x and 3.x nuxt/telemetry Nuxt 3 is supported. Stats to be public soon!
I18n Active 2.x and 3.x nuxt-modules/i18n See nuxt-modules/i18n#1287 for Nuxt 3 support