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callOnce Run a given function or block of code once during SSR or CSR.
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Source i-simple-icons-github https://github.com/nuxt/nuxt/blob/main/packages/nuxt/src/app/composables/once.ts xs

::important This utility is available since Nuxt v3.9. ::


The callOnce function is designed to execute a given function or block of code only once during:

  • server-side rendering but not hydration
  • client-side navigation

This is useful for code that should be executed only once, such as logging an event or setting up a global state.


The default mode of callOnce is to run code only once. For example, if the code runs on the server it won't run again on the client. It also won't run again if you callOnce more than once on the client, for example by navigating back to this page.

<script setup lang="ts">
const websiteConfig = useState('config')

await callOnce(async () => {
  console.log('This will only be logged once')
  websiteConfig.value = await $fetch('https://my-cms.com/api/website-config')

It is also possible to run on every navigation while still avoiding the initial server/client double load. For this, it is possible to use the navigation mode:

<script setup lang="ts">
const websiteConfig = useState('config')

await callOnce(async () => {
  console.log('This will only be logged once and then on every client side navigation')
  websiteConfig.value = await $fetch('https://my-cms.com/api/website-config')
}, { mode: 'navigation' })

::important navigation mode is available since Nuxt v3.15. ::

::tip{to="/docs/getting-started/state-management#usage-with-pinia"} callOnce is useful in combination with the Pinia module to call store actions. ::


::warning Note that callOnce doesn't return anything. You should use useAsyncData or useFetch if you want to do data fetching during SSR. ::

::note callOnce is a composable meant to be called directly in a setup function, plugin, or route middleware, because it needs to add data to the Nuxt payload to avoid re-calling the function on the client when the page hydrates. ::


callOnce (key?: string, fn?: (() => any | Promise<any>), options?: CallOnceOptions): Promise<void>
callOnce(fn?: (() => any | Promise<any>), options?: CallOnceOptions): Promise<void>

type CallOnceOptions = {
   * Execution mode for the callOnce function
   * @default 'render'
  mode?: 'navigation' | 'render'


  • key: A unique key ensuring that the code is run once. If you do not provide a key, then a key that is unique to the file and line number of the instance of callOnce will be generated for you.
  • fn: The function to run once. This function can also return a Promise and a value.
  • options: Setup the mode, either to re-execute on navigation (navigation) or just once for the lifetime of the app (render). Defaults to render.
    • render: Executes once during initial render (either SSR or CSR) - Default mode
    • navigation: Executes once during initial render and once per subsequent client-side navigation