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synced 2025-02-07 17:32:31 +00:00
* docs: implement new website theme * chore: rename dirs * chore: update build * lint fix * chore: update deps * fix: include node_modules in esbuild step * chore: update deps * Update .gitignore * chore: update theme version * up * up * fix: use svg for illustration * chore: update to 0.0.12 * chore: force parse5 resolution * stay with build * feat: always display first home section * Update yarn.lock * chore: update theme * fix lint * docs: update home title * chore: update website theme version * Update docs/content/0.index.md Co-authored-by: pooya parsa <pyapar@gmail.com> * Update docs/content/0.index.md Co-authored-by: pooya parsa <pyapar@gmail.com> * up * chore: bump theme version * up * chore: up * up up and up * chore: generate * fix: boolean value * feat: new images * update again * chore: up * ouep * chore: up Co-authored-by: Daniel Roe <daniel@roe.dev> Co-authored-by: Clément Ollivier <clement.o2p@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: pooya parsa <pyapar@gmail.com>
15 lines
1.2 KiB
15 lines
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