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::ReadMore{link="/guide/features/routing"} ::

Nuxt provides <NuxtLoadingIndicator> to display a progress bar on page navigation.


Basic usage

Add <NuxtLoadingIndicator/> in your app.vue or layouts.

    <NuxtLoadingIndicator /> <!-- here -->
    <NuxtPage />

:button-link[Open on StackBlitz]{href="" blank}


  • color: The color of the loading bar.
  • height: Height of the loading bar, in pixels (default 3).
  • duration: Duration of the loading bar, in milliseconds (default 2000).
  • throttle: Throttle the appearing and hiding, in milliseconds (default 200).

::alert{type=info icon=🔎} This component is completely optional. To achieve full customization, you can implement your own one based on this file. ::