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Starting fresh? Getting started with Nuxt 3 is straightforward!
Play Online
You can start playing with Nuxt 3 in your browser using our online sandboxes:
:button-link[Play on StackBlitz]{href="https://stackblitz.com/github/nuxt/starter/tree/v3-stackblitz" blank} :button-link[Play on CodeSandbox]{href="https://codesandbox.io/p/github/nuxt/starter/v3-codesandbox" blank}
Before getting started, please make sure you have installed the recommended setup.
- Node.js* (latest LTS version) 👉 [Download]
- Visual Studio Code 👉 [Download]
- Volar Extension 👉 [Download]
- Either enable Take Over Mode (recommended)
- ... or add TypeScript Vue Plugin (Volar) 👉 [Download]
* If you already have Node.js installed, check with node --version
that you are using version 14.16 or above 16.11.
If you have enabled Take Over Mode or installed the TypeScript Vue Plugin (Volar), you can disable generating the shim for *.vue
files in your nuxt.config
export default defineNuxtConfig({
typescript: {
shim: false
New Project
Open a terminal, or from Visual Studio Code, open an integrated terminal and use the following command to create a new starter project:
npx nuxi init nuxt-app
pnpm dlx nuxi init nuxt-app
Open nuxt-app
folder in Visual Studio Code:
code nuxt-app
Install the dependencies:
yarn install
npm install
pnpm install --shamefully-hoist
Development Server
Now you'll be able to start your Nuxt app in development mode:
yarn dev -o
npm run dev -- -o
pnpm run dev -o
::alert{type=success icon=✨ .font-bold} Well done! A browser window should automatically open for http://localhost:3000. ::
Next Steps
Now that you've created your Nuxt 3 project, you are ready to start building your application.
- Learn about the framework concepts