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layouts layouts/ Nuxt provides a layouts framework to extract common UI patterns into reusable layouts. i-ph-folder-duotone

::callout{icon="i-ph-rocket-launch-duotone"} For best performance, components placed in this directory will be automatically loaded via asynchronous import when used. ::

Enable Layouts

Layouts are enabled by adding <NuxtLayout> to your app.vue:

    <NuxtPage />

To use a layout:

  • Set a layout property in your with with definePageMeta
  • Set the name prop of <NuxtLayout>.

::callout{color="blue" icon="i-ph-info-duotone"} The layout name is normalized to kebab-case, so someLayout becomes some-layout. ::

::callout{color="blue" icon="i-ph-info-duotone"} If not layout is specified, layouts/default.vue will be used. ::

::callout{icon="i-ph-lightbulb-duotone"} If you only have a single layout in your application, we recommend using app.vue instead. ::

::callout{color="amber" icon="i-ph-warning-duotone"} Unlike other components, your layouts must have a single root element to allow Nuxt to apply transitions between layout changes - and this root element cannot be a <slot />. ::

Default Layout

Add a ~/layouts/default.vue:

    <p>Some default layout content shared across all pages</p>
    <slot />

In a layout file, the content of the page will be displayed in the <slot /> component.

Named Layout

-| layouts/
---| default.vue
---| custom.vue

Then you can use the custom layout in your page:

<script setup lang="ts">
  layout: 'custom'

::read-more{to="/docs/guide/directory-structure/pages#page-metadata"} Learn more about definePageMeta. ::

You can directly override the default layout for all pages using the name property of <NuxtLayout>:

<script setup lang="ts">
// You might choose this based on an API call or logged-in status
const layout = "custom";

  <NuxtLayout :name="layout">
    <NuxtPage />

If you have a layout in nested directories, the layout's name will be based on its own path directory and filename, with duplicate segments being removed.

File Layout Name
~/layouts/desktop/default.vue desktop-default
~/layouts/desktop-base/base.vue desktop-base
~/layouts/desktop/index.vue desktop

For clarity, we recommend that the layout's filename matches its name:

File Layout Name
~/layouts/desktop/DesktopDefault.vue desktop-default
~/layouts/desktop-base/DesktopBase.vue desktop-base
~/layouts/desktop/Desktop.vue desktop


Changing the Layout Dynamically

You can also use the setPageLayout helper to change the layout dynamically:

<script setup lang="ts">
function enableCustomLayout () {
  layout: false,

    <button @click="enableCustomLayout">Update layout</button>


Overriding a Layout on a Per-page Basis

If you are using pages, you can take full control by setting layout: false and then using the <NuxtLayout> component within the page.


<script setup lang="ts">
  layout: false,

    <NuxtLayout name="custom">
      <template #header> Some header template content. </template>

      The rest of the page
      <slot name="header">
        Default header content
      <slot />


::callout If you use <NuxtLayout> within your pages, make sure it is not the root element (or disable layout/page transitions). ::