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Release notes for version 3.5


New features

Unlimited mouse buttons

GLFW now has an input mode which allows an unlimited number of mouse buttons to be reported by the mouse buttton callback, rather than just the associated [mouse button tokens](@ref buttons). This allows using mouse buttons with values over 8. For compatibility with older versions, the @ref GLFW_UNLIMITED_MOUSE_BUTTONS input mode needs to be set to make use of this.

Support for custom X11 clipboard functionality

This change allows clients to implement custom X11 clipboard functionality like the copying and pasting of files across applications.

GLFW itself only allows plain text to be copied to the clipboard and back on all platforms. On some platforms, like Windows, you can use platform specific APIs to add extra clipboard functionality like copying of other data types. However, on X11, this was previously not fully possible due to the fact that GLFW internal code has full control over the X11 event queue.

This change exposes several new symbols that allow you to get and set the handler for X11 selection events that GLFW will use. It also allows getting the internal display connection and selection helper window, for use in that kind of code.




New symbols

New functions


  • @ref getSelectionRequestHandler
  • @ref setSelectionRequestHanddler
  • @ref getGLFWDisplay
  • @ref getGLFWHelperWindow

New types

New constants


Release notes for earlier versions