2024-02-21 22:10:58 +08:00

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Release notes


Release notes for version 3.4

New features in version 3.4

Cocoa NSView native access function

GLFW now provides the @ref glfwGetCocoaView native access function for returning the Cocoa NSView.

Runtime platform selection

GLFW now supports being compiled for multiple backends and selecting between them at runtime with the @ref GLFW_PLATFORM init hint. After initialization the selected platform can be queried with @ref glfwGetPlatform. You can check if support for a given platform is compiled in with @ref glfwPlatformSupported.

More standard cursor shapes

GLFW now provides the standard cursor shapes @ref GLFW_RESIZE_NWSE_CURSOR and @ref GLFW_RESIZE_NESW_CURSOR for diagonal resizing, @ref GLFW_RESIZE_ALL_CURSOR for omnidirectional resizing and @ref GLFW_NOT_ALLOWED_CURSOR for showing an action is not allowed.

Unlike the original set, these shapes may not be available everywhere and creation will then fail with the new @ref GLFW_CURSOR_UNAVAILABLE error.

The cursors for horizontal and vertical resizing are now referred to as @ref GLFW_RESIZE_EW_CURSOR and @ref GLFW_RESIZE_NS_CURSOR, and the pointing hand cursor is now referred to as @ref GLFW_POINTING_HAND_CURSOR. The older names are still available.

For more information see @ref cursor_standard.

Mouse event passthrough

GLFW now provides the [GLFW_MOUSE_PASSTHROUGH](@ref GLFW_MOUSE_PASSTHROUGH_hint) window hint for making a window transparent to mouse input, lettings events pass to whatever window is behind it. This can also be changed after window creation with the matching [window attribute](@ref GLFW_MOUSE_PASSTHROUGH_attrib).

Ability to get window title

GLFW now supports querying the title of a window with the @ref glfwGetWindowTitle function.

For more information see @ref window_title.

Captured cursor mode

GLFW now supports confining the cursor to the window content area with the @ref GLFW_CURSOR_CAPTURED cursor mode.

For more information see @ref cursor_mode.

Support for custom heap memory allocator

GLFW now supports plugging a custom memory allocator at initialization with @ref glfwInitAllocator. The allocator is a struct of type @ref GLFWallocator with function pointers corresponding to the standard library functions malloc, realloc and free.

For more information see @ref init_allocator.

Window hint for framebuffer scaling

GLFW now allows provides the [GLFW_SCALE_FRAMEBUFFER](@ref GLFW_SCALE_FRAMEBUFFER_hint) window hint for controlling framebuffer scaling on platforms that handle scaling by keeping the window size the same while resizing the framebuffer. The default value is to allow framebuffer scaling.

This was already possible on macOS via the [GLFW_COCOA_RETINA_FRAMEBUFFER](@ref GLFW_COCOA_RETINA_FRAMEBUFFER_hint) window hint. This hint is now another name for [GLFW_SCALE_FRAMEBUFFER](@ref GLFW_SCALE_FRAMEBUFFER_hint).

For more information see @ref window_scale.

Window hints for initial window position

GLFW now provides the @ref GLFW_POSITION_X and @ref GLFW_POSITION_Y window hints for specifying the initial position of the window. This removes the need to create a hidden window, move it and then show it. The default value of these hints is GLFW_ANY_POSITION, which selects the previous behavior.

For more information see @ref window_pos.

Support for keyboard access to Windows window menu

GLFW now provides the [GLFW_WIN32_KEYBOARD_MENU](@ref GLFW_WIN32_KEYBOARD_MENU_hint) window hint for enabling keyboard access to the window menu via the Alt+Space and Alt-and-then-Space shortcuts. This may be useful for more GUI-oriented applications.

Support for applying STARTUPINFO show command

GLFW now provides the [GLFW_WIN32_SHOWDEFAULT](@ref GLFW_WIN32_SHOWDEFAULT_hint) window hint for applying the show command in the program's STARTUPINFO when showing the window for the first time. This may be useful for the main window of a windowed-mode tool.

Wayland libdecor decorations

GLFW now supports improved fallback window decorations via libdecor.

Support for libdecor can be toggled before GLFW is initialized with the [GLFW_WAYLAND_LIBDECOR](@ref GLFW_WAYLAND_LIBDECOR_hint) init hint. It is enabled by default.

Window hint for Wayland app_id

GLFW now supports specifying the app_id for a Wayland window using the [GLFW_WAYLAND_APP_ID](@ref GLFW_WAYLAND_APP_ID_hint) window hint string.

Support for ANGLE rendering backend selection

GLFW now provides the [GLFW_ANGLE_PLATFORM_TYPE](@ref GLFW_ANGLE_PLATFORM_TYPE_hint) init hint for requesting a specific rendering backend when using ANGLE to create OpenGL ES contexts.

Window hint for hardware acceleration

You can use window hint [GLFW_ACCELERATION](@ref GLFW_ACCELERATION_hint) to specify whether hardware acceleration is preferred or not. The default value is to prefer hardware acceleration. You can get whether hardware acceleration is enabled with the window attribute [GLFW_ACCELERATION](@ref GLFW_ACCELERATION_attrib). This feature is only available on WGL currently.

Caveats for version 3.4

Multiple sets of native access functions

Because GLFW now supports runtime selection of platform (window system), a library binary may export native access functions for multiple platforms. Starting with version 3.4 you must not assume that GLFW is running on a platform just because it exports native access functions for it. After initialization, you can query the selected platform with @ref glfwGetPlatform.

Version string format has been changed

Because GLFW now supports runtime selection of platform (window system), the version string returned by @ref glfwGetVersionString has been expanded. It now contains the names of all APIs for all the platforms that the library binary supports.

Joystick support is initialized on demand

The joystick part of GLFW is now initialized when first used, primarily to work around faulty Windows drivers that cause DirectInput to take up to several seconds to enumerate devices.

This change will usually not be observable. However, if your application waits for events without having first called any joystick function or created any visible windows, the wait may never unblock as GLFW may not yet have subscribed to joystick related OS events.

To work around this, call any joystick function before waiting for events, for example by setting a [joystick callback](@ref joystick_event).

Framebuffer may lack alpha channel on older Wayland systems

On Wayland, when creating an EGL context on a machine lacking the new EGL_EXT_present_opaque extension, the @ref GLFW_ALPHA_BITS window hint will be ignored and the framebuffer will have no alpha channel. This is because some Wayland compositors treat any buffer with an alpha channel as per-pixel transparent.

If you want a per-pixel transparent window, see the [GLFW_TRANSPARENT_FRAMEBUFFER](@ref GLFW_TRANSPARENT_FRAMEBUFFER_hint) window hint.

Tests and examples are disabled when built as a subproject

GLFW now does not build the tests and examples when it is added as a subdirectory of another CMake project. To enable these, set the @ref GLFW_BUILD_TESTS and @ref GLFW_BUILD_EXAMPLES cache variables before adding the GLFW subdirectory.


macOS main menu now created at initialization

GLFW now creates the main menu and completes the initialization of NSApplication during initialization. Programs that do not want a main menu can disable it with the [GLFW_COCOA_MENUBAR](@ref GLFW_COCOA_MENUBAR_hint) init hint.

CoreVideo dependency has been removed

GLFW no longer depends on the CoreVideo framework on macOS and it no longer needs to be specified during compilation or linking.

Framebuffer transparency requires DWM transparency

GLFW no longer supports framebuffer transparency enabled via @ref GLFW_TRANSPARENT_FRAMEBUFFER on Windows 7 if DWM transparency is off (the Transparency setting under Personalization > Window Color).

Empty events on X11 no longer round-trip to server

Events posted with @ref glfwPostEmptyEvent now use a separate unnamed pipe instead of sending an X11 client event to the helper window.

Microsoft GDI software OpenGL ICD support

GLFW now supports creating window when the Microsoft GDI software OpenGL ICD is the only available implementation. See [GLFW_ACCELERATION](@ref GLFW_ACCELERATION_hint) for more details.

Deprecations in version 3.4

Removals in 3.4

GLFW_VULKAN_STATIC CMake option has been removed

This option was used to compile GLFW directly linked with the Vulkan loader, instead of using dynamic loading to get hold of vkGetInstanceProcAddr at initialization. This is now done by calling the @ref glfwInitVulkanLoader function before initialization.

If you need backward compatibility, this macro can still be defined for GLFW 3.4 and will have no effect. The call to @ref glfwInitVulkanLoader can be conditionally enabled in your code by checking the @ref GLFW_VERSION_MAJOR and @ref GLFW_VERSION_MINOR macros.

GLFW_USE_OSMESA CMake option has been removed

This option was used to compile GLFW for the Null platform. The Null platform is now always supported. To produce a library binary that only supports this platform, the way this CMake option used to do, you will instead need to disable the default platform for the target OS. This means setting the @ref GLFW_BUILD_WIN32, @ref GLFW_BUILD_COCOA or @ref GLFW_BUILD_X11 CMake option to false.

You can set all of them to false and the ones that don't apply for the target OS will be ignored.

Support for the wl_shell protocol has been removed

Support for the wl_shell protocol has been removed and GLFW now only supports the XDG-Shell protocol. If your Wayland compositor does not support XDG-Shell then GLFW will fail to initialize.

New symbols in version 3.4

New functions in version 3.4

  • @ref glfwInitAllocator
  • @ref glfwGetPlatform
  • @ref glfwPlatformSupported
  • @ref glfwInitVulkanLoader
  • @ref glfwGetWindowTitle
  • @ref glfwGetCocoaView

New types in version 3.4

  • @ref GLFWallocator
  • @ref GLFWallocatefun
  • @ref GLFWreallocatefun
  • @ref GLFWdeallocatefun

New constants in version 3.4

  • @ref GLFW_PLATFORM_X11

Release notes for earlier versions