* pickle setstate: setattr __dict__ only if not empty, to not force use of py::dynamic_attr() unnecessarily.
* Adding unit test.
* Clang 3.6 & 3.7 compatibility.
* PyPy compatibility.
* Minor iwyu fix, additional comment.
* Addressing reviewer requests.
* Applying clang-tidy suggested fixes.
* Adding check_dynamic_cast_SimpleCppDerived, related to issue #3062.
Now also passes the open_spiel iterated_prisoners_dilemma_test ASAN clean, in addition to all pybind11 and PyCLIF unit tests.
The problem was that calling `std::shared_ptr<void>::reset()` with a `void` pointer cannot possibly update the `shared_from_this` `weak_ptr`.
The solution is to store a `shd_ptr_reset` function pointer in `guarded_deleter` (similar in idea to the stored function pointer for calling `delete`).
This commit still includes all debugging code, i.e. is "dirty". The code will be cleaned up after the GitHub CI is fully successful.
test_class_sh_unique_ptr_member.cpp:17:5: error: deleted member function should be public [modernize-use-equals-delete,-warnings-as-errors]
pointee(const pointee &) = delete;
* Add const T to docstring generation.
* Change order.
* See if existing test triggers for a const type.
* Add tests.
* Fix test.
* Remove experiment.
* Reformat.
* More tests, checks run.
* Adding `test_fmt_desc_` prefix to new test functions.
* Using pytest.mark.parametrize to 1. condense test; 2. exercise all functions even if one fails; 3. be less platform-specific (e.g. C++ float is not necessarily float32).
Co-authored-by: Ralf W. Grosse-Kunstleve <rwgk@google.com>
* Crash when printing Unicode to redirected cout
Add failing tests
* Fix Unicode crashes redirected cout
* pythonbuf::utf8_remainder check end iterator
* Remove trailing whitespace and formatting iostream
* Avoid buffer overflow if ostream redirect races
This doesn't solve the actual race, but at least it now has a much lower
probability of reading past the end of the buffer even when data races
do occur.
* Bug fix: adding back `!is_alias<Class>(ptr)` that were accidentally omitted.
* Introducing PYBIND11_SH_AVL, PYBIND11_SH_DEF macros. Applying PYBIND11_SH_DEF to test_factory_constructors.py to complete test coverage.
* Using PYBIND11_SH_DEF in test_methods_and_attributes.cpp, for more complete test coverage.
* Using PYBIND11_SH_DEF in test_multiple_inheritance.cpp, for more complete test coverage.
* Cleaning up test_classh_mock.cpp.
* Better explanations for PYBIND11_SH_AVL, PYBIND11_SH_DEF.
* Disabling 3.10-dev builds.
* Using new smart_holder::reclaim_disowned in smart_holder_type_caster for unique_ptr.
* Systematically renaming was_disowned to is_disowned (because disowning is now reversible: reclaim_disowned).
* Systematically renaming virtual_overrider_self_life_support to trampoline_self_life_support (to reuse existing terminology instead of introducing new one).
* Systematically renaming test_class_sh_with_alias to test_class_sh_trampoline_basic.
* Adding a Trampolines and std::unique_ptr section to README_smart_holder.rst.
* MSVC compatibility.
* Porting subset of absltest code from reproducer provided by @elkhrt. Baseline for debugging ASAN heap-use-after-free.
* Moving Py_DECREF to resolve ASAN heap-use-after-free failure.
* Fixing trivial formatting issue.
* Workaround for clang 3.6 and 3.7.
It was only useful for easily harvest this from the GitHub Actions CI results, mostly out of curiosity:
52 C++ function argument 1 is evaluated first.
90 C++ function argument 2 is evaluated first.
These results came for the final CI run for PR #2936; that PR has nothing else to do with the results.
Pushing directly. This tiny change is not worth a PR.
[skip actions]
* Adding PyGILState_Check() in object_api<>::operator().
* Enabling PyGILState_Check() for Python >= 3.6 only.
Possibly, this explains why PyGILState_Check() cannot safely be used with Python 3.4 and 3.5:
* Adding simple micro benchmark.
* Reducing test time to minimum (purely for coverage, not for accurate results).
* Fixing silly oversight.
* Minor code organization improvement in test.
* Adding example runtimes.
* Removing capsys (just run with `-k test_callback_num_times -s` and using `.format()`.
* Adding test_class_sh_disowning.
* Fixing minor namespace naming inconsistency between test_class_sh_*.cpp files.
* Replacing py::overload_cast with plain cast for C++11 compatibility.
* Accommodate that the C++ order of evaluation of function arguments is unspecified.
* Adaption of PyCLIF virtual_py_cpp_mix test.
* Removing ValueError: Ownership of instance with virtual overrides in Python cannot be transferred to C++. TODO: static_assert alias class needs to inherit from virtual_overrider_self_life_support.
* Bringing back ValueError: "... instance cannot safely be transferred to C++.", but based on dynamic_cast<AliasType>.
* Fixing oversight: adding test_class_sh_virtual_py_cpp_mix.cpp to cmake file.
* clang <= 3.6 compatibility.
* Fixing oversight: dynamic_raw_ptr_cast_if_possible needs special handling for To = void. Adding corresponding missing test in test_class_sh_virtual_py_cpp_mix. Moving dynamic_raw_ptr_cast_if_possible to separate header.
* Changing py::detail::virtual_overrider_self_life_support to py::virtual_overrider_self_life_support.
* Initial version of virtual_overrider_self_life_support (enables safely passing unique_ptr to C++).
* Clang 3.6, 3.7 compatibility.
* Adding missing default constructor.
* Restoring test for exception for the case that virtual_overrider_self_life_support is not used.
* Fixing oversight: Adding missing holder().ensure_was_not_disowned().
* Adding unit tests for new `struct smart_holder` member functions.
* Moving virtual_overrider_self_life_support to separate include file, with iwyu cleanup.
* Use correct duration representation when casting from datetime.timdelta to std::chrono::duration
* When asserting datetime/timedelta/date/time we can equality-compare whole objects
* shared_ptr<bool> vptr_deleter_armed_flag_ptr (instead of unique_ptr), to fix heap-use-after-free bug.
* Fixing generated by some compilers in the pybind11 CI suite.
* Adding test_unique_ptr_member (for desired PyCLIF behavior).
See also: https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/issues/2583
Does not build with upstream master or
https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/2047, but builds with
https://github.com/RobotLocomotion/pybind11 and almost runs:
Running tests in directory "/usr/local/google/home/rwgk/forked/EricCousineau-TRI/pybind11/tests":
================================================================================= test session starts =================================================================================
platform linux -- Python 3.8.5, pytest-5.4.3, py-1.9.0, pluggy-0.13.1
rootdir: /usr/local/google/home/rwgk/forked/EricCousineau-TRI/pybind11/tests, inifile: pytest.ini
collected 2 items
test_unique_ptr_member.py .F [100%]
====================================================================================== FAILURES =======================================================================================
_____________________________________________________________________________ test_pointee_and_ptr_owner ______________________________________________________________________________
def test_pointee_and_ptr_owner():
obj = m.pointee()
assert obj.get_int() == 213
with pytest.raises(ValueError) as exc_info:
> obj.get_int()
E Failed: DID NOT RAISE <class 'ValueError'>
test_unique_ptr_member.py:17: Failed
============================================================================= 1 failed, 1 passed in 0.06s =============================================================================
* unique_ptr or shared_ptr return
* new test_variant_unique_shared with vptr_holder prototype
* moving prototype code to pybind11/vptr_holder.h, adding type_caster specialization to make the bindings involving unique_ptr passing compile, but load and cast implementations are missing
* disabling GitHub Actions on pull_request (for this PR)
* disabling AppVeyor (for this PR)
* TRIGGER_SEGSEV macro, annotations for GET_STACK (vptr::get), GET_INT_STACK (pointee)
* adding test_promotion_of_disowned_to_shared
* Copying tests as-is from xxx_value_ptr_xxx_holder branch.
Systematically exercising returning and passing unique_ptr<T>, shared_ptr<T>
with unique_ptr, shared_ptr holder.
make_unique_pointee OK
pass_unique_pointee BUILD_FAIL (as documented)
make_shared_pointee Abort free(): double free detected
pass_shared_pointee RuntimeError: Unable to load a custom holder type from a default-holder instance
make_unique_pointee Segmentation fault (#1138)
pass_unique_pointee BUILD_FAIL (as documented)
make_shared_pointee OK
pass_shared_pointee OK
* Copying tests as-is from xxx_value_ptr_xxx_holder branch.
Systematically exercising casting between shared_ptr<base>, shared_ptr<derived>.
* Demonstration of Undefined Behavior in handling of shared_ptr holder.
Based on https://godbolt.org/z/4fdjaW by jorgbrown@ (thanks Jorg!).
* Additional demonstration of Undefined Behavior in handling of shared_ptr holder.
* fixing up-down mixup in comment
* Demonstration of Undefined Behavior in handling of polymorphic pointers.
(This demo does NOT involve smart pointers at all, unlike the otherwise similar test_smart_ptr_private_first_base.)
* minor test_private_first_base.cpp simplification (after discovering that this can be wrapped with Boost.Python, using boost::noncopyable)
* pybind11 equivalent of Boost.Python test similar to reproducer under #1333
* Snapshot of WIP, TODO: shared_ptr deleter with on/off switch
* Adding vptr_deleter.
* Adding from/as unique_ptr<T> and unique_ptr<T, D>.
* Adding from_shared_ptr. Some polishing.
* New tests/core/smart_holder_poc_test.cpp, using Catch2.
* Adding in vptr_deleter_guard_flag.
* Improved labeling of TEST_CASEs.
* Shuffling existing TEST_CASEs into systematic matrix.
* Implementing all [S]uccess tests.
* Implementing all [E]xception tests.
* Testing of exceptions not covered by the from-as matrix.
* Adding top-level comment.
* Converting from methods to factory functions (no functional change).
* Removing obsolete and very incomplete test (replaced by Catch2-based test).
* Removing stray file.
* Adding type_caster_bare_interface_demo.
* Adding shared_ptr<mpty>, shared_ptr<mpty const> casters.
* Adding unique_ptr<mpty>, unique_ptr<mpty const> casters.
* Pure copy of `class class_` implementation in pybind11.h (master commit 98f1bbb800).
* classh.h: renaming of class_ to classh + namespace; forking test_classh_wip from test_type_caster_bare_interface_demo.
* Hard-coding smart_holder into classh.
* Adding mpty::mtxt string member.
* Adding isinstance<mpty> in type_caster::load functions.
* Adding rvalue_ref, renaming const_value_ref to lvalue_ref & removing const.
* Retrieving smart_holder pointer in type_caster<mpty>::load, and using it cast_op operators.
* Factoring out smart_holder_type_caster_load.
* Retrieving smart_holder pointer in type_caster<std::shared_ptr<mpty[ const]>>::load, and using it cast_op operators.
* Improved error messaging: Cannot disown nullptr (as_unique_ptr).
* Retrieving smart_holder pointer in type_caster<std::unique_ptr<mpty[ const]>>::load, and using it cast_op operators.
* Pure `clang-format --style=file -i` change.
* Pure `clang-format --style=file -i` change, with two `clang-format off` directives.
* Fixing oversight (discovered by flake8).
* flake8 cleanup
* Systematically setting mtxt for all rtrn_mpty_* functions (preparation, the values are not actually used yet).
* static cast handle for rtrn_cptr works by simply dropping in code from type_caster_base (marked with comments).
* static cast handle for rtrn_cref works by simply dropping in code from type_caster_base (marked with comments). rtrn_mref and rtrn_mptr work via const_cast (to add const).
* static cast handle for rtrn_valu works by simply dropping in code from type_caster_base (marked with comments). rtrn_rref raises a RuntimeError, to be investigated.
* Copying type_caster_generic::cast into type_caster<mpty> as-is (preparation for handling smart pointers).
* Pure clang-format change (applied to original type_caster_generic::cast).
* Adding comment re potential use_count data race.
* static handle cast implementations for rtrn_shmp, rtrn_shcp.
* Adding MISSING comments in operator std::unique_ptr<mpty[ const]>.
* static handle cast implementations for rtrn_uqmp, rtrn_uqcp.
* Bug fix: vptr_deleter_armed_flag_ptr has to live on the heap.
See new bullet point in comment section near the top.
The variable was also renamed to reflect its function more accurately.
* Fixing bugs discovered by ASAN. The code is now ASAN, MSAN, UBSAN clean.
* Making test_type_caster_bare_interface_demo.cpp slightly more realistic, ASAN, MSAN, UBSAN clean.
* Calling deregister_instance after disowning via unique_ptr.
* Removing enable_shared_from_this stub, simplifying existing code, clang-format.
Open question, with respect to the original code:
76a160070b/include/pybind11/pybind11.h (L1510)
To me it looks like the exact situation marked as `std::shared_ptr<Good> gp1 = not_so_good.getptr();` here: https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/memory/enable_shared_from_this
The comment there is: `// undefined behavior (until C++17) and std::bad_weak_ptr thrown (since C++17)`
Does the existing code have UB pre C++17?
I'll leave handling of enable_shared_from_this for later, as the need arises.
* Cosmetical change around helper functions.
* Using type_caster_base<mpty>::src_and_type directly, removing copy. Also renaming one cast to cast_const_raw_ptr, for clarity.
* Fixing clang-format oversight.
* Using factored-out make_constructor (PR #2798), removing duplicate code.
* Inserting additional assert to ensure a returned unique_ptr is always a new Python instance.
* Adding minor comment (change to internals needed to distinguish uninitialized/disowned in error message).
* Factoring out find_existing_python_instance().
* Moving factored-out make_constructor to test_classh_wip.cpp, restoring previous version of cast.h. This is currently the most practical approach. See PR #2798 for background.
* Copying classh type_casters from test_classh_wip.cpp UNMODIFIED, as a baseline for generalizing the code.
* Using pybind11/detail/classh_type_casters.h from test_classh_wip.cpp.
* Adding & using PYBIND11_CLASSH_TYPE_CASTERS define.
* Adding test_classh_inheritance, currently failing (passes with class_).
* Removing .clang-format before git rebase master (where the file was added).
* Bringing back .clang-format, the previous rm was a bad idea.
* Folding in modified_type_caster_generic_load_impl, just enough to pass test_class_wip. test_classh_inheritance is still failing, but with a different error: [RuntimeError: Incompatible type (as_raw_ptr_unowned).]
* Minimal changes needed to pass test_classh_inheritance.
* First pass adjusting try_implicit_casts and try_load_foreign_module_local to capture loaded_v_h, but untested and guarded with pybind11_failure("Untested"). This was done mainly to determine general feasibility. Note the TODO in pybind11.h, where type_caster_generic::local_load is currently hard-coded. test_classh_wip and test_classh_inheritance still pass, as before.
* Decoupling generic_type from type_caster_generic.
* Changes and tests covering classh_type_casters try_implicit_casts.
* Minimal test covering classh_type_casters load_impl Case 2b.
* Removing stray isinstance<T>(src): it interferes with the py::module_local feature. Adding missing #includes.
* Tests for classh py::module_local() feature.
* Pure renaming of function names in test_classh_inheritance, similar to the systematic approach used in test_class_wip. NO functional changes.
* Pure renaming of function and variable names, for better generalization when convoluting with inheritance. NO functional changes.
* Adopting systematic naming scheme from test_classh_wip. NO functional changes.
* Moving const after type name, for functions that cover a systematic scheme. NO functional changes.
* Adding smart_holder_type_caster_load::loaded_as_shared_ptr, currently bypassing smart_holder shared_ptr tracking completely, but the tests pass and are sanitizer clean.
* Removing rtti_held from smart_holder. See updated comment.
* Cleaning up loaded_as_raw_ptr_unowned, loaded_as_shared_ptr.
* Factoring out convert_type and folding into loaded_as_unique_ptr.
* Folding convert_type into lvalue_ref and rvalue_ref paths. Some smart_holder_type_caster_load cleanup.
* Using unique_ptr in local_load to replace static variable. Also adding local_load_safety_guard.
* Converting test_unique_ptr_member to using classh: fully working, ASAN, MSAN, UBSAN clean.
* Removing debugging comments (GET_STACK, GET_INT_STACK). cast.h is identical to current master again, pybind11.h only has the generic_type::initialize(..., &type_caster_generic::local_load) change.
* Purging obsolete pybind11/vptr_holder.h and associated test.
* Moving several tests to github.com/rwgk/rwgk_tbx/tree/main/pybind11_tests
These tests are from experimenting, and for demonstrating UB in pybind11 multiple inheritance handling ("first_base"), to be fixed later.
* Adding py::smart_holder support to py::class_, purging py::classh completely.
* Renaming files in include directory, creating pybind11/smart_holder.h.
* Renaming all "classh" to "smart_holder" in pybind11/detail/smart_holder_type_casters.h.
The user-facing macro is now PYBIND11_SMART_HOLDER_TYPE_CASTERS.
* Systematically renaming tests to use "class_sh" in the name.
* Renaming test_type_caster_bare_interface_demo to test_type_caster_bare_interface.
* Renaming new tests/core subdirectory to tests/pure_cpp.
* Adding new tests to CMake config, resetting CI config.
* Changing CMake file so that test_class_sh_module_local.py actually runs.
* clang-tidy fixes.
* 32-bit compatibility.
* Reusing type_caster_base make_copy_constructor, make_move_constructor with a trick.
* CMake COMPARE NATURAL is not available with older versions.
* Adding copyright notices to new header files.
* Explicitly define copy/move constructors/assignments.
* Adding new header files to tests/extra_python_package/test_files.py.
* Adding tests/pure_cpp/CMakeLists.txt.
* Making use of the new find_existing_python_instance() function factored out with PR #2822.
* Moving define PYBIND11_SMART_HOLDER_TYPE_CASTERS(T) down in the file. NO functional changes. Preparation for follow-up work (to keep that diff smaller).
* Reintroducing py::classh, this time as a simple alias for py::class_<U, py::smart_holder>.
* Replacing detail::is_smart_holder<H> in cast.h with detail::is_smart_holder_type_caster<T>.
Moving get_local_load_function_ptr, init_instance_for_type to smart_holder_type_caster_class_hooks.
Expanding static_assert in py::type::handle_of<> to accommodate smart_holder_type_casters.
* Fixing oversight.
* Adding classu alias for class_<U, std::unique_ptr<U>>.
* Giving up on idea to use legacy init_instance only if is_base_of<type_caster_generic, type_caster<T>. There are use cases in the wild that define both a custom type_caster and class_.
* Removing test_type_caster_bare_interface, which was moved to the separate PR #2834.
* Moving up is_smart_holder_type_caster, to also use in cast_is_temporary_value_reference.
* Adding smart_holder_type_casters for unique_ptr with custom deleter. SEVERE CODE DUPLICATION. This commit is to establish a baseline for consolidating the unique_ptr code.
* Unification of unique_ptr, unique_ptr_with_deleter code in smart_holder_poc.h. Leads to more fitting error messages. Enables use of unique_ptr<T, D> smart_holder_type_casters also for unique_ptr<T>.
* Copying files as-is from branch test_unique_ptr_member (PR #2672).
* Adding comment, simplifying naming, cmake addition.
* Introducing PYBIND11_USE_SMART_HOLDER_AS_DEFAULT macro (tested only undefined; there are many errors with the macro defined).
* Removing test_type_caster_bare_interface, which was moved to the separate PR #2834.
* Fixing oversight introduced with commit 95425f13d6.
* Setting record.default_holder correctly for PYBIND11_USE_SMART_HOLDER_AS_DEFAULT.
With this test_class.cpp builds and even mostly runs, except
`test_multiple_instances_with_same_pointer`, which segfaults because it is
using a `unique_ptr` holder but `smart_holder` `type_caster`.
Also adding `static_assert`s to generate build errors for such situations,
but guarding with `#if 0` to first pivot to test_factory_constructors.cpp.
* Fixing up cast.h and smart_holder.h after rebase.
* Removing detail/smart_holder_type_casters.h in separate commit.
* Commenting out const in def_buffer(... const). With this, test_buffers builds and runs with PYBIND11_USE_SMART_HOLDER_AS_DEFAULT. Explanation why the const needs to be removed, or fix elsewhere, is still needed, but left for later.
* Adding test_class_sh_factory_constructors, reproducing test_factory_constructors failure. Using py::class_ in this commit, to be changed to py::classh for debugging.
* Removing include/pybind11/detail/smart_holder_type_casters.h from CMakeLists.txt, test_files.py (since it does not exist in this branch).
* Adding // DANGER ZONE reminders.
* Converting as many py::class_ to py::classh as possible, not breaking tests.
* Adding initimpl::construct() overloads, resulting in test_class_sh_factory_constructors feature parity for py::class_ and py::classh.
* Adding enable_if !is_smart_holder_type_caster to existing initimpl::construct(). With this test_factory_constructors.cpp builds with PYBIND11_USE_SMART_HOLDER_AS_DEFAULT.
* Disabling shared_ptr&, shared_ptr* tests when building with PYBIND11_USE_SMART_HOLDER_AS_DEFAULT for now, pending work on smart_holder_type_caster<shared_ptr>.
* Factoring out struct and class definitions into anonymous namespace. Preparation for building with PYBIND11_USE_SMART_HOLDER_AS_DEFAULT.
* Simplifying from_unique_ptr(): typename D = std::default_delete<T> is not needed. Factoring out is_std_default_delete<T>() for consistentcy between ensure_compatible_rtti_uqp_del() and from_unique_ptr().
* Introducing PYBIND11_SMART_POINTER_HOLDER_TYPE_CASTERS. Using it in test_smart_ptr.cpp. With this test_smart_ptr builds with PYBIND11_USE_SMART_HOLDER_AS_DEFAULT and all but one test run successfully.
* Introducing 1. type_caster_for_class_, used in PYBIND11_MAKE_OPAQUE, and 2. default_holder_type, used in stl_bind.h.
* Replacing condense_for_macro with much simpler approach.
* Softening static_assert, to only check specifically that smart_holder is not mixed with type_caster_base, and unique_ptr/shared_ptr holders are not mixed with smart_holder_type_casters.
* Adding PYBIND11_SMART_POINTER_HOLDER_TYPE_CASTERS in test_class.cpp (with this all but one test succeed with PYBIND11_USE_SMART_HOLDER_AS_DEFAULT).
* Adding remaining PYBIND11_SMART_POINTER_HOLDER_TYPE_CASTERS. static_assert for "necessary conditions" for both types of default holder, static_assert for "strict conditions" guarded by new PYBIND11_STRICT_ASSERTS_CLASS_HOLDER_VS_TYPE_CASTER_MIX. All tests build & run as before with unique_ptr as the default holder, all tests build for smart_holder as the default holder, even with the strict static_assert.
* Introducing check_is_smart_holder_type_caster() function for runtime check, and reinterpreting record.default_holder as "uses_unique_ptr_holder". With this test_smart_ptr succeeds. (All 42 tests build, 35 tests succeed, 5 run but have some failures, 2 segfault.)
* Bug fix: Adding have_value() to smart_holder_type_caster_load. With this test_builtin_casters succeeds. (All 42 tests build, 36 tests succeed, 5 run but have some failures, 1 segfault.)
* Adding unowned_void_ptr_from_direct_conversion to modified_type_caster_generic_load_impl. This fixes the last remaining segfault (test_numpy_dtypes). New stats for all tests combined: 12 failed, 458 passed.
* Adding "Lazy allocation for unallocated values" (for old-style __init__) into load_value_and_holder. Deferring destruction of disowned holder until clear_instance, to remain inspectable for "uninitialized" or "disowned" detection. New stats for all tests combined: 5 failed, 465 passed.
* Changing std::shared_ptr pointer/reference to const pointer/reference. New stats for all tests combined: 4 failed, 466 passed.
* Adding return_value_policy::move to permissible policies for unique_ptr returns. New stats for all tests combined: 3 failed, 467 passed.
* Overlooked flake8 fixes.
* Manipulating failing ConstructorStats test to pass, to be able to run all tests with ASAN.
This version of the code is ASAN clean with unique_ptr or smart_holder as the default.
This change needs to be reverted after adopting the existing move-only-if-refcount-is-1
logic used by type_caster_base.
* Adding copy constructor and move constructor tracking to atyp. Preparation for a follow-up change in smart_holder_type_caster, to make this test sensitive to the changing behavior.
[skip ci]
* Removing `operator T&&() &&` from smart_holder_type_caster, for compatibility with the behavior of type_caster_base. Enables reverting 2 of 3 test manipulations applied under commit 249df7cbdb. The manipulation in test_factory_constructors.py is NOT reverted in this commit.
[skip ci]
* Fixing unfortunate editing mishap. This reverts the last remaining test manipulation in commit 249df7cbdb and makes all existing unit tests pass with smart_holder as default holder.
* GitHub CI clang-tidy fixes.
* Adding messages to terse `static_assert`s, for pre-C++17 compatibility.
* Using @pytest.mark.parametrize to run each assert separately (to see all errors, not just the first).
* Systematically removing _atyp from function names, to make the test code simpler.
* Using re.match to accommodate variable number of intermediate MvCtor.
* Also removing `operator T()` from smart_holder_type_caster, to fix gcc compilation errors. The only loss is pass_rref in test_class_sh_basic.
* Systematically replacing `detail::enable_if_t<...smart_holder...>` with `typename std::enable_if<...smart_holder...>::type`. Attempt to work around MSVC 2015 issues, to be tested via GitHub CI. The idea for this change originates from this comment: https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/issues/1616#issuecomment-444536813
* Importing re before pytest after observing a PyPy CI flake when importing pytest first.
* Copying MSVC 2015 compatibility change from branch pr2672_use_smart_holder_as_default.
* Introducing is_smart_holder_type_caster_base_tag, to keep smart_holder code more disconnected.
* Working around MSVC 2015 bug.
* Expanding comment for MSVC 2015 workaround.
* Systematically changing std::enable_if back to detail::enable_if_t, effectively reverting commit 5d4b6890a3.
* Removing unused smart_holder_type_caster_load::loaded_as_rvalue_ref (it was an oversight that it was not removed with commit 23036a45eb).
* Removing py::classu, because it does not seem useful enough.
* Reverting commit 6349531306 by un-commenting `const` in `def_buffer(...)`. To make this possible, `operator T const&` and `operator T const*` in `smart_holder_type_caster` need to be marked as `const` member functions.
* Adding construct() overloads for constructing smart_holder from alias unique_ptr, shared_ptr returns.
* Adding test_class_sh_factory_constructors.cpp to tests/CMakeLists.txt (fixes oversight, this should have been added long before).
* Compatibility with old clang versions (clang 3.6, 3.7 C++11).
* Cleaning up changes to existing unit tests.
* Systematically adding SMART_HOLDER_WIP tag. Removing minor UNTESTED tags (only the throw are not actually exercised, investing time there has a high cost but very little benefit).
* Splitting out smart_holder_type_casters again, into new detail/smart_holder_type_casters_inline_include.h.
* Splitting out smart_holder_init_inline_include.h.
* Adding additional new include files to CMakeLists.txt, tests/extra_python_package/test_files.py.
* clang-format cleanup of most smart_holder code.
* Adding source code comments in response to review.
* Simple micro-benchmark ("ubench") comparing runtime performance for several holders.
Tested using github.com/rwgk/pybind11_scons and Google-internal build system.
Sorry, no cmake support at the moment.
First results: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1InapCYws2Gt-stmFf_Bwl33eOMo3aLE_gc9adveY7RU/edit#gid=0
* Breaking out number_bucket.h, adding hook for also collecting performance data for PyCLIF.
* Accounting for ubench in MANIFEST.in (simply prune, for now).
* Smarter determination of call_repetitions.
[skip ci]
* Also scaling performance data to PyCLIF.
[skip ci]
* Adding ubench/python/number_bucket.clif here for general visibility.
* Fix after rebase
* Merging detail/smart_holder_init_inline_include.h into detail/init.h.
* Renaming detail/is_smart_holder_type_caster.h -> detail/smart_holder_sfinae_hooks_only.h.
* Renaming is_smart_holder_type_caster -> type_uses_smart_holder_type_caster for clarity.
* Renaming type_caster_type_is_smart_holder_type_caster -> wrapped_type_uses_smart_holder_type_caster for clarity.
* Renaming is_smart_holder_type_caster_base_tag -> smart_holder_type_caster_base_tag for simplicity.
* Adding copyright notices and minor colateral cleanup.
* iwyu cleanup (comprehensive only for cast.h and smart_holder*.h files).
* Fixing `git rebase master` accident.
* Moving large `pragma warning` block from pybind11.h to detail/common.h.
* Fixing another `git rebase master` accident.
* [dtype]: add type() method to access type attribute of PyArray_Descr (eq. to dtype.char in Python)
* [dtype] change type() name method to char_() to be compliant with Python numpy interface
* [dtype] fix by pre-commit
* [dtype] Change comments and solutions format for test
* Clarify documentation and move note about dtype.char vs PyArray_Descr::type to a plain, non-doxygen comment
* Fix and extend tests
* Fix the supposedly fixed tests
* Fix the fixed tests again
Co-authored-by: Bertrand MICHEL <bertrand.michel@onera.fr>
Co-authored-by: Yannick Jadoul <yannick.jadoul@belgacom.net>
* Make sure all warnings in pytest get turned into errors
* Suppress DeprecationWarnings in test_int_convert and test_numpy_int_convert
* PyLong_AsLong only shouts "Deprecated!" on Python>=3.8
* Fix remaining warnings on PyPy and CPython 3.10-dev
* Demonstrate issue with weakref constructor overloads
* Fix weakref constructor to convert on being passed a non-weakref object
* Improve on nonlocal-scoped variable in test_weakref
* Keep backwards-compatibility by introducing PYBIND11_OBJECT_CVT_DEFAULT macro
* Simplify test_weakref
* Always call PyNumber_Index when casting from Python to a C++ integral type, also pre-3.8
* Fixed on PyPy
* Simplify use of PyNumber_Index, following @rwgk's idea, and ignore warnings in >=3.8
* Reproduce mismatch between pre-3.8 and post-3.8 behavior on __index__ throwing TypeError
* Fix tests on 3.6 <= Python < 3.8
* No, I don't have an uninitialized variable
* Fix use of __index__ on Python 2
* Make types in test_int_convert more ~boring~ descriptive
* Force the builtin module key to be the correct type.
Previously it was always going to be a std::string which converted into
unicode. Python 2 appears to want module keys to be normal str types, so
this was breaking code that expected plain string types in the
builtins.keys() data structure
* Add a simple unit test to ensure all built-in keys are str
* Update the unit test so it will also run on pypy
* Run pre-commit.
Co-authored-by: Jesse Clemens <jesse.clemens@sony.com>
* CI: Intel icc/icpc via oneAPI
Add testing for Intel icc/icpc via the oneAPI images.
Intel oneAPI is in a late beta stage, currently shipping
oneAPI beta09 with ICC 20.2.
CI: Skip Interpreter Tests for Intel
Cannot find how to add this, neiter the package `libc6-dev` nor
`intel-oneapi-mkl-devel` help when installed to solve this:
-- Looking for C++ include pthread.h
-- Looking for C++ include pthread.h - not found
CMake Error at /__t/cmake/3.18.4/x64/cmake-3.18.4-Linux-x86_64/share/cmake-3.18/Modules/FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.cmake:165 (message):
Could NOT find Threads (missing: Threads_FOUND)
Call Stack (most recent call first):
/__t/cmake/3.18.4/x64/cmake-3.18.4-Linux-x86_64/share/cmake-3.18/Modules/FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.cmake:458 (_FPHSA_FAILURE_MESSAGE)
/__t/cmake/3.18.4/x64/cmake-3.18.4-Linux-x86_64/share/cmake-3.18/Modules/FindThreads.cmake:234 (FIND_PACKAGE_HANDLE_STANDARD_ARGS)
tests/test_embed/CMakeLists.txt:17 (find_package)
CI: libc6-dev from GCC for ICC
CI: Run bare metal for oneAPI
CI: Ubuntu 18.04 for oneAPI
CI: Intel +Catch -Eigen
CI: CMake from Apt (ICC tests)
CI: Replace Intel Py with GCC Py
CI: Intel w/o GCC's Eigen
CI: ICC with verbose make
[Debug] Find core dump
tests: use arg{} instead of arg() for Intel
tests: adding a few more missing {}
fix: sync with @tobiasleibner's branch
fix: try ubuntu 20-04
fix: drop exit 1
docs: Apply suggestions from code review
Co-authored-by: Tobias Leibner <tobias.leibner@googlemail.com>
Workaround for ICC enable_if issues
Another workaround for ICC's enable_if issues
fix error in previous commit
Disable one test for the Intel compiler in C++17 mode
Add back one instance of py::arg().noconvert()
Add NOLINT to fix clang-tidy check
Work around for ICC internal error in PYBIND11_EXPAND_SIDE_EFFECTS in C++17 mode
CI: Intel ICC with C++17
docs: pybind11/numpy.h does not require numpy at build time. (#2720)
This is nice enough to be mentioned explicitly in the docs.
docs: Update warning about Python 3.9.0 UB, now that 3.9.1 has been released (#2719)
Adjusting `type_caster<std::reference_wrapper<T>>` to support const/non-const propagation in `cast_op`. (#2705)
* Allow type_caster of std::reference_wrapper<T> to be the same as a native reference.
Before, both std::reference_wrapper<T> and std::reference_wrapper<const T> would
invoke cast_op<type>. This doesn't allow the type_caster<> specialization for T
to distinguish reference_wrapper types from value types.
After, the type_caster<> specialization invokes cast_op<type&>, which allows
reference_wrapper to behave in the same way as a native reference type.
* Add tests/examples for std::reference_wrapper<const T>
* Add tests which use mutable/immutable variants
This test is a chimera; it blends the pybind11 casters with a custom
pytype implementation that supports immutable and mutable calls.
In order to detect the immutable/mutable state, the cast_op needs
to propagate it, even through e.g. std::reference<const T>
Note: This is still a work in progress; some things are crashing,
which likely means that I have a refcounting bug or something else
* Add/finish tests that distinguish const& from &
Fixes the bugs in my custom python type implementation,
demonstrate test that requires const& and reference_wrapper<const T>
being treated differently from Non-const.
* Add passing a const to non-const method.
* Demonstrate non-const conversion of reference_wrapper in tests.
Apply formatting presubmit check.
* Fix build errors from presubmit checks.
* Try and fix a few more CI errors
* More CI fixes.
* More CI fixups.
* Try and get PyPy to work.
* Additional minor fixups. Getting close to CI green.
* More ci fixes?
* fix clang-tidy warnings from presubmit
* fix more clang-tidy warnings
* minor comment and consistency cleanups
* copy/move constructors
* Resolve codereview comments
* more review comment fixes
* review comments: remove spurious &
* Make the test fail even when the static_assert is commented out.
This expands the test_freezable_type_caster a bit by:
1/ adding accessors .is_immutable and .addr to compare identity
from python.
2/ Changing the default cast_op of the type_caster<> specialization
to return a non-const value. In normal codepaths this is a reasonable
3/ adding roundtrip variants to exercise the by reference, by pointer
and by reference_wrapper in all call paths. In conjunction with 2/, this
demonstrates the failure case of the existing std::reference_wrpper conversion,
which now loses const in a similar way that happens when using the default cast_op_type<>.
* apply presubmit formatting
* Revert inclusion of test_freezable_type_caster
There's some concern that this test is a bit unwieldly because of the use
of the raw <Python.h> functions. Removing for now.
* Add a test that validates const references propagation.
This test verifies that cast_op may be used to correctly detect
const reference types when used with std::reference_wrapper.
* mend
* Review comments based changes.
1. std::add_lvalue_reference<type> -> type&
2. Simplify the test a little more; we're never returning the ConstRefCaster
type so the class_ definition can be removed.
* formatted files again.
* Move const_ref_caster test to builtin_casters
* Review comments: use cast_op and adjust some comments.
* Simplify ConstRefCasted test
I like this version better as it moves the assertion that matters
back into python.
ci: drop pypy2 linux, PGI 20.7, add Python 10 dev (#2724)
* ci: drop pypy2 linux, add Python 10 dev
* ci: fix mistake
* ci: commented-out PGI 20.11, drop 20.7
fix: regression with installed pybind11 overriding local one (#2716)
* fix: regression with installed pybind11 overriding discovered one
* docs: wording incorrect
style: remove redundant instance->owned = true (#2723)
which was just before set to True in instance->allocate_layout()
fix: also throw in the move-constructor added by the PYBIND11_OBJECT macro, after the argument has been moved-out (if necessary) (#2701)
Make args_are_all_* ICC workarounds unconditional
Disable test_aligned on Intel ICC
Fix test_aligned on Intel ICC
Skip test_python_alreadyset_in_destructor on Intel ICC
Fix test_aligned again
ICC CI: Downgrade pytest
pytest 6 does not capture the `discard_as_unraisable` stderr and
just writes a warning with its content instead.
* refactor: simpler Intel workaround, suggested by @laramiel
* fix: try version with impl to see if it is easier to compile
* docs: update README for ICC
Co-authored-by: Axel Huebl <axel.huebl@plasma.ninja>
Co-authored-by: Henry Schreiner <henryschreineriii@gmail.com>
* Only allow integer type_caster to call __int__ or __index__ method when conversion is allowed
* Remove tests for __index__ as this seems to only be used to convert to int in 3.8+
* Take both `int` and `long` types into account for Python 2
* Add test_numpy_int_convert to assert tests currently fail, even though np.intc has an __index__ method
* Also consider __index__ as noconvert to a C++ integer
* New-style classes for Python 2.7; sigh
* Add some tests on types with custom __index__ method
* Ignore some tests in Python <3.8
* Update comment about conversion from np.float32 to C++ int
* Workaround difference between CPython and PyPy's different PyIndex_Check (unnoticed because we currently don't have PyPy >= 3.8)
* Avoid ICC segfault with py::arg()
* CI: Intel icc/icpc via oneAPI
Add testing for Intel icc/icpc via the oneAPI images.
Intel oneAPI is in a late beta stage, currently shipping
oneAPI beta09 with ICC 20.2.
* CI: Skip Interpreter Tests for Intel
Cannot find how to add this, neiter the package `libc6-dev` nor
`intel-oneapi-mkl-devel` help when installed to solve this:
-- Looking for C++ include pthread.h
-- Looking for C++ include pthread.h - not found
CMake Error at /__t/cmake/3.18.4/x64/cmake-3.18.4-Linux-x86_64/share/cmake-3.18/Modules/FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.cmake:165 (message):
Could NOT find Threads (missing: Threads_FOUND)
Call Stack (most recent call first):
/__t/cmake/3.18.4/x64/cmake-3.18.4-Linux-x86_64/share/cmake-3.18/Modules/FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.cmake:458 (_FPHSA_FAILURE_MESSAGE)
/__t/cmake/3.18.4/x64/cmake-3.18.4-Linux-x86_64/share/cmake-3.18/Modules/FindThreads.cmake:234 (FIND_PACKAGE_HANDLE_STANDARD_ARGS)
tests/test_embed/CMakeLists.txt:17 (find_package)
* CI: libc6-dev from GCC for ICC
* CI: Run bare metal for oneAPI
* CI: Ubuntu 18.04 for oneAPI
* CI: Intel +Catch -Eigen
* CI: CMake from Apt (ICC tests)
* CI: Replace Intel Py with GCC Py
* CI: Intel w/o GCC's Eigen
* CI: ICC with verbose make
* [Debug] Find core dump
* tests: use arg{} instead of arg() for Intel
* tests: adding a few more missing {}
* fix: sync with @tobiasleibner's branch
* fix: try ubuntu 20-04
* fix: drop exit 1
* style: clang tidy fix
* style: fix missing NOLINT
* ICC: Update Compiler Name
Changed upstream with the last oneAPI release.
* ICC CI: Downgrade pytest
pytest 6 does not capture the `discard_as_unraisable` stderr and
just writes a warning with its content instead.
* Use new test pinning requirements.txt
* tests: add notes about intel, cleanup
Co-authored-by: Henry Schreiner <henryschreineriii@gmail.com>
* Adding a valgrind build on debug Python 3.9
Co-authored-by: Boris Staletic <boris.staletic@gmail.com>
* Add Valgrind suppression files
- Introduce suppression file, populate it with a first suppression taken from CPython, and fix one leak in the tests
- Suppress leak in NumPy
- More clean tests!
- Tests with names a-e passing (except for test_buffer)
- Suppress multiprocessing errors
- Merge multiprocessing suppressions into other suppression files
- Numpy seems to be spelled with a big P
- Append single entry from valgrind-misc.supp to valgrind-python.supp, and make clear valgrind-python.supp is only CPython
Co-authored-by: Boris Staletic <boris.staletic@gmail.com>
* Enable test_virtual_functions with a workaround
* Add a memcheck cmake target
- Add a memcheck cmake target
- Reformat cmake
- Appease the formatting overlords - they are angry
- Format CMake valgrind target decently
* Update CI config to new action versions
* fix: separate memcheck from pytest
* ci: cleanup
* Merge Valgrind and other deadsnakes builds
Co-authored-by: Boris Staletic <boris.staletic@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Henry Schreiner <henryschreineriii@gmail.com>
* Plug leaking function_record objects when exceptions are thrown
* Plug leak of strdup'ed strings in function_record
* Some extra comments about the function_record ownership dance
* Clean up the function_record better, in case of exceptions
* Demonstrate some extra function_record leaks
* Change DeleteStrings template argument to free_strings runtime argument in destruct(function_record *)
* Zero-state unique_function_record deleter object
* Clarify rvalue reference to unique_ptr parameter in initialize_generic
* Use push_back with const char * instead of emplace_back
* Ignore old-style __init__ warnings
* Simplify ignoreOldStyleInitWarnings with py::exec
* Only wrap single class_::defs to ignore DeprecationWarnings about old-style __init__
* Fix leak in the test_copy_move::test_move_fallback
* Fix leaking PyMethodDef in test_class::test_implicit_conversion_life_support
* Plumb leak in test_buffer, occuring when a mutable buffer is requested for a read-only object, and enable test_buffer.py
* Fix weird return_value_policy::reference in test_stl_binders, and enable those tests
* Cleanup nodelete holder objects in test_smart_ptr, and enable those tests
* Update pytest to 6.2.1 in tests/requirements.txt
* Pin pytest to last supported version for 3.5
* Suppress PytestUnraisableExceptionWarning and use sys.__unraisablehook__ instead of sys.unraisablehook
* Fix filterwarnings mark on old pytest and old Python versions
* Cleanup ignore_pytest_unraisable_warning decorator
* minor cleanup: fixing or silencing flake8 errors
* ci: lock CMake to non-Universal version
* Update .github/workflows/ci.yml
Co-authored-by: Henry Schreiner <HenrySchreinerIII@gmail.com>
* Allow type_caster of std::reference_wrapper<T> to be the same as a native reference.
Before, both std::reference_wrapper<T> and std::reference_wrapper<const T> would
invoke cast_op<type>. This doesn't allow the type_caster<> specialization for T
to distinguish reference_wrapper types from value types.
After, the type_caster<> specialization invokes cast_op<type&>, which allows
reference_wrapper to behave in the same way as a native reference type.
* Add tests/examples for std::reference_wrapper<const T>
* Add tests which use mutable/immutable variants
This test is a chimera; it blends the pybind11 casters with a custom
pytype implementation that supports immutable and mutable calls.
In order to detect the immutable/mutable state, the cast_op needs
to propagate it, even through e.g. std::reference<const T>
Note: This is still a work in progress; some things are crashing,
which likely means that I have a refcounting bug or something else
* Add/finish tests that distinguish const& from &
Fixes the bugs in my custom python type implementation,
demonstrate test that requires const& and reference_wrapper<const T>
being treated differently from Non-const.
* Add passing a const to non-const method.
* Demonstrate non-const conversion of reference_wrapper in tests.
Apply formatting presubmit check.
* Fix build errors from presubmit checks.
* Try and fix a few more CI errors
* More CI fixes.
* More CI fixups.
* Try and get PyPy to work.
* Additional minor fixups. Getting close to CI green.
* More ci fixes?
* fix clang-tidy warnings from presubmit
* fix more clang-tidy warnings
* minor comment and consistency cleanups
* copy/move constructors
* Resolve codereview comments
* more review comment fixes
* review comments: remove spurious &
* Make the test fail even when the static_assert is commented out.
This expands the test_freezable_type_caster a bit by:
1/ adding accessors .is_immutable and .addr to compare identity
from python.
2/ Changing the default cast_op of the type_caster<> specialization
to return a non-const value. In normal codepaths this is a reasonable
3/ adding roundtrip variants to exercise the by reference, by pointer
and by reference_wrapper in all call paths. In conjunction with 2/, this
demonstrates the failure case of the existing std::reference_wrpper conversion,
which now loses const in a similar way that happens when using the default cast_op_type<>.
* apply presubmit formatting
* Revert inclusion of test_freezable_type_caster
There's some concern that this test is a bit unwieldly because of the use
of the raw <Python.h> functions. Removing for now.
* Add a test that validates const references propagation.
This test verifies that cast_op may be used to correctly detect
const reference types when used with std::reference_wrapper.
* mend
* Review comments based changes.
1. std::add_lvalue_reference<type> -> type&
2. Simplify the test a little more; we're never returning the ConstRefCaster
type so the class_ definition can be removed.
* formatted files again.
* Move const_ref_caster test to builtin_casters
* Review comments: use cast_op and adjust some comments.
* Simplify ConstRefCasted test
I like this version better as it moves the assertion that matters
back into python.
* Adding missing virtual destructors, to silence clang -Wnon-virtual-dtor warnings.
Tested with clang version 9.0.1-12 under an Ubuntu-like OS.
Originally discovered in the Google-internal environment.
* adding -Wnon-virtual-dtor for GNU|Intel|Clang
* demo kwarg with none(false)
* Reorder and extend tests for arg::none(false) in test_methods_and_attributes.py::test_accepts_none
* Fix arg::none() for keyword arguments
* Add changelog note
* Fix names of no_none_kw test functions
Co-authored-by: Yannick Jadoul <yannick.jadoul@belgacom.net>
* Demonstrate test_factory_constructors.py failure without functional changes from #2335
* Revert "Demonstrate test_factory_constructors.py failure without functional changes from #2335"
This reverts commit ca33a8021fc2a3617c3356b188796528f4594419.
* Fix test crash where registered Python type gets garbage collected
* Clean up some more internal structures when class objects go out of scope
* Reduce length of std::erase_if-in-C++20 comment
* Clean up code for cleaning up type internals
* Move cleaning up of type info in internals to tp_dealloc on pybind11_metaclass
* Deprecated public constructors of module
* Turn documentation comment of module_::add_object into valid doxygen documentation
* Move detail::create_top_level_module to module_::create_extension_module, and unify Python 2 and 3 signature again
* Throw error_already_set if module creation fails in module_::create_extension_module
* Mention module_::create_extension_module in deprecation warning message of module_::module_
* Check scope's __dict__ instead of using hasattr when registering classes and exceptions, to allow registering the same name in a derived class scope
* Extend test_base_and_derived_nested_scope test
* Add tests on error being thrown registering duplicate classes
* Circumvent bug with combination of test_class.py::test_register_duplicate_class and test_factory_constructors.py::test_init_factory_alias
* tests: Don't run tests that often segfault
* tests: drop all cross module gil tests
* tests: try skipping all macOS Python 3.9 tests
* tests: drop macOS Python 3.9
* Fail on passing py::object with wrong Python type to py::object subclass using PYBIND11_OBJECT macro
* Split off test_non_converting_constructors from test_constructors
* Fix test_as_type, as py::type constructor now throws an error itself if the argument is not a type
* Replace tp_name access by pybind11::detail::get_fully_qualified_tp_name
* Move forward-declaration of get_fully_qualified_tp_name to detail/common.h
* Don't add the builtins module name in get_fully_qualified_tp_name for PyPy
* Add PYBIND11_BUILTINS_MODULE macro, and use it in get_fully_qualified_tp_name
* Remove code inside 'PYPY_VERSION_NUM < 0x06000000' preprocessor if branch
* fix: more cleanup
* Remove more references to PyPy 5.7 and 5.9 in the docs
* Update comment on PyUnicode_UTF* in PyPy
Co-authored-by: Henry Schreiner <henryschreineriii@gmail.com>
* tests: New test for ctypes buffers (pybind#2502)
* fix: fix buffer_info segfault on views with no stride (pybind11#2502)
* Explicit conversions in buffer_info to make clang happy (pybind#2502)
* Another explicit cast in buffer_info constructor for clang (pybind#2502)
* Simpler implementation of buffer_info constructor from Py_buffer.
* Move test_ctypes_buffer into test_buffers
* Comment on why view->strides may be NULL (and fix some whitespace)
* Use c_strides() instead of zero when view->strides is NULL.
c_strides and f_strides are moved from numpy.h (py::array)
to buffer_info.h (py::detail) so they can be used from the
buffer_info Py_buffer constructor.
* Increase ctypes buffer test coverage in test_buffers.
* Split ctypes tests and skip one which is broken in PyPy2.
* Allow function/functor passed to py::vectorize to return void
* Stealing @sizmailov's test and fixing unused argument warning
* Add missing std::move()
RVO doesn't work here because function return type is different from
actual returned type
* remove extra EOL
* docs: add a few details
* chore: pre-commit autoupdate
* Remove array_iterator, array_begin, and array_end (in detail namespace)
Co-authored-by: Sergei Izmailov <sergei.a.izmailov@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Henry Schreiner <henryschreineriii@gmail.com>
* Add tests demonstrating the problem with deregistering pybind11 instances
* Fix deregistering of different pybind11 instance from internals
Co-authored-by: Yannick Jadoul <yannick.jadoul@belgacom.net>
Co-authored-by: Blistic <wots_wot@hotmail.com>
This changes enum reprs to look like `<Enum.name: value>` similarly to
the Python enum module.
This keeps the str of enums as `Enum.name`, like the Python enum module.
* feat: setup.py redesign and helpers
* refactor: simpler design with two outputs
* refactor: helper file update and Windows support
* fix: review points from @YannickJadoul
* refactor: fixes to naming and more docs
* feat: more customization points
* feat: add entry point pybind11-config
* refactor: Try Extension-focused method
* refactor: rename alt/inplace to global
* fix: allow usage with git modules, better docs
* feat: global as an extra (@YannickJadoul's suggestion)
* feat: single version location
* fix: remove the requirement that setuptools must be imported first
* fix: some review points from @wjacob
* fix: use .in, add procedure to docs
* refactor: avoid monkeypatch copy
* docs: minor typos corrected
* fix: minor points from @YannickJadoul
* fix: typo on Windows C++ mode
* fix: MSVC 15 update 3+ have c++14 flag
See <https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/cpp/build/reference/std-specify-language-standard-version?view=vs-2019>
* docs: discuss making SDists by hand
* ci: use pep517.build instead of manual setup.py
* refactor: more comments from @YannickJadoul
* docs: updates from @ktbarrett
* fix: change to newly recommended tool instead of pep517.build
This was intended as a proof of concept; build seems to be the correct replacement.
See https://github.com/pypa/pep517/pull/83
* docs: updates from @wjakob
* refactor: dual version locations
* docs: typo spotted by @wjakob
* Wrap PYBIND11_OVERLOAD_NAME and PYBIND11_OVERLOAD_PURE_NAME in do { ... } while (false), and resolve trailing semicolon
* Deprecate PYBIND11_OVERLOAD_* and get_overload in favor of PYBIND11_OVERRIDE_* and get_override
* Correct erroneous usage of 'overload' instead of 'override' in the implementation and internals
* Fix tests to use non-deprecated PYBIND11_OVERRIDE_* macros
* Update docs to use override instead of overload where appropriate, and add warning about deprecated aliases
* Add semicolons to deprecated PYBIND11_OVERLOAD macros to match original behavior
* Remove deprecation of PYBIND11_OVERLOAD_* macros and get_overload
* Add note to changelog and upgrade guide
* feat: type<T>()
* refactor: using py::type as class
* refactor: py::object as base
* wip: tigher api
* refactor: fix conversion and limit API further
* docs: some added notes from @EricCousineau-TRI
* refactor: use py::type::of
* Added guards to the includes
Added new CI config
Added new trigger
Changed CI workflow name
Debug CI
Debug CI
Debug CI
Debug CI
Added flags fro PGI
Disable Eigen
Removed tests that fail
Uncomment lines
* fix: missing include
fix: minor style cleanup
tests: support skipping
ci: remove and tighten a bit
fix: try msvc workaround for pgic
* tests: split up prealoc tests
* fix: PGI compiler fix
* fix: PGI void_t only
* fix: try to appease nvcc
* ci: better ordering for slow tests
* ci: minor improvements to testing
* ci: Add NumPy to testing
* ci: Eigen generates CUDA warnings / PGI errors
* Added CentOS7 back for a moment
* Fix YAML
* ci: runs-on missing
* centos7 is missing pytest
* ci: use C++11 on CentOS 7
* ci: test something else
* Try just adding flags on CentOS 7
* fix: CentOS 7
* refactor: move include to shared location
* Added verbose flag
* Try to use system cmake3 on CI
* Try to use system cmake3 on CI, attempt2
* Try to use system cmake3 on CI, attempt3
* tests: not finding pytest should be a warning, not a fatal error
* tests: cleanup
* Weird issue?
* fix: final polish
Co-authored-by: Andrii Verbytskyi <andrii.verbytskyi@mpp.mpg.de>
Co-authored-by: Henry Schreiner <henryschreineriii@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Andrii Verbytskyi <averbyts@cern.ch>
* Add check if `str(handle)` correctly converted the object, and throw py::error_already_set if not
* Fix tests on Python 3
* Apply @rwgk's fixes to cherry-picked commits from #2392
__clang__, __APPLE__ were not checked for defined in a minortity of instances.
If the project using pybind11 sets -Wundef, the warnings will show.
The test build is also modified to catch the problem.
* fix: support nvcc and test
* fixup! fix: support nvcc and test
* docs: mention what compilers fail
* fix: much simpler logic
* refactor: slightly faster / clearer
* ci: harden chrono test, mark another macos 4.9 dev failure
This should help with a little of the flakiness seen with the timing test
* Update tests/test_chrono.py
* Can also fail
Adding missing `bytes` type to `test_constructors()`, to exercise the code change.
The changes in the PR were cherry-picked from PR #2409 (with a very minor
modification in test_pytypes.py related to flake8). Via PR #2409, these
changes were extensively tested in the Google environment, as summarized here:
The changes in this PR did not cause an issues at all.
Note that `test_constructors()` before this PR passes for Python 2 only
because `pybind11::str` can hold `PyUnicodeObject` or `PyBytesObject`. As a
side-effect of this PR, `test_constructors()` no longer relies on this
permissive `pybind11::str` behavior. However, the permissive behavior is still
exercised/exposed via the existing `test_pybind11_str_raw_str()`.
The test code change is designed to enable easy removal later, when Python 2
support is dropped.
For completeness: confusingly, the non-test code changes travelled through PR
Example `ambiguous conversion` error fixed by this PR:
pybind11/tests/test_pytypes.cpp:214:23: error: ambiguous conversion for functional-style cast from 'pybind11::detail::item_accessor' (aka 'accessor<accessor_policies::generic_item>') to 'py::bytes'
pybind11/include/pybind11/detail/../pytypes.h:957:21: note: candidate constructor
pybind11/include/pybind11/detail/../pytypes.h:957:21: note: candidate constructor
pybind11/include/pybind11/detail/../pytypes.h:987:15: note: candidate constructor
inline bytes::bytes(const pybind11::str &s) {
1 error generated.
* tests: keep source dir clean
* ci: make first build inplace
* ci: drop dev setting (wasn't doing anything)
* tests: warn if source directory is dirty
* docs: move helpers to .github where allowed
* docs: more guidelines in CONTRIBUTING
* chore: update issue templates
* fix: review from @bstaletic
* refactor: a few points from @rwgk
* docs: more touchup, review changes
* tests: refactor and cleanup
* refactor: more consistent
* tests: vendor six
* tests: more xfails, nicer system
* tests: simplify to info
* tests: suggestions from @YannickJadoul and @bstaletic
* tests: restore some pypy tests that now pass
* tests: rename info to env
* tests: strict False/True
* tests: drop explicit strict=True again
* tests: reduce minimum PyTest to 3.1
To deal with exceptions that hit destructors or other noexcept functions.
Includes fixes to support Python 2.7 and extends documentation on
error handling.
@virtuald and @YannickJadoul both contributed to this PR.
Important gain: uniformity & therefore easier cleanup when we drop PY2 support.
Very slight loss: it was nice to have `str is bytes` as a reminder in this specific context.
* Modified Vector STL bind initialization from a buffer type with optimization for simple arrays
* Add subtests to demonstrate processing Python buffer protocol objects with step > 1
* Fixed memoryview step test to only run on Python 3+
* Modified Vector constructor from buffer to return by value for readability
These tests will also alert us to any behavior changes across Python and PyPy versions.
Hardening tests in preparation for changing `pybind11::str` to only hold `PyUnicodeObject` (NOT also `bytes`). Note that this test exposes that `pybind11::str` can also hold `bytes`.
If the default argument value is a class, and not an instance of a
class, `a.value.attr("__repr__")` raises a `ValueError`. Switching to
`repr(a.value)` makes this use case work.
* Fix undefined memoryview format
* Add missing <algorithm> header
* Add workaround for py27 array compatibility
* Workaround py27 memoryview behavior
* Fix memoryview constructor from buffer_info
* Workaround PyMemoryView_FromMemory availability in py27
* Fix up memoryview tests
* Update memoryview test from buffer to check signedness
* Use static factory method to create memoryview
* Remove ndim arg from memoryview::frombuffer and add tests
* Allow ndim=0 memoryview and documentation fixup
* Use void* to align to frombuffer method signature
* Add const variants of frombuffer and frommemory
* Add memory view section in doc
* Fix docs
* Add test for null buffer
* Workaround py27 nullptr behavior in test
* Rename frombuffer to from_buffer
* Fix sudden HomeBrew 'python not installed' error
* Sweep difference in 'Class.__init__() must be called when overriding __init__' error message between CPython and PyPy under the rug
* Homebrew updated to 3.8 yesterday.
Co-authored-by: Henry Schreiner <HenrySchreinerIII@gmail.com>
* Error out eval_file
* Enable dynamic attribute support for Pypy >= 6
* Add a test for dynamic attribute support
* Skip test for eval_file on pypy
* Workaround for __qualname__ on PyPy3
* Add a PyPy3.6 7.3.0 build
* Only disable in PyPy3
* Fix travis testing
* No numpy and scipy for pypy
* Enable test on pypy2
* Fix logic in eval_file
* Skip a few tests due to bugs in PyPy
* scipy wheels are broken. make pypy2 a failrue
Co-authored-by: Andreas Kloeckner <inform@tiker.net>
This adds support for a `py::args_kw_only()` annotation that can be
specified between `py::arg` annotations to indicate that any following
arguments are keyword-only. This allows you to write:
m.def("f", [](int a, int b) { /* ... */ },
py::arg("a"), py::args_kw_only(), py::arg("b"));
and have it work like Python 3's:
def f(a, *, b):
# ...
with respect to how `a` and `b` arguments are accepted (that is, `a` can
be positional or by keyword; `b` can only be specified by keyword).
* test pair-copyability on C++17 upwards
The stdlib falsely detects containers like M=std::map<T, U>
as copyable, even when one of T and U is not copyable.
Therefore we cannot rely on the stdlib dismissing std::pair<T, M>
by itself, even on C++17.
* fix is_copy_assignable
bind_map used std::is_copy_assignable which suffers from the same problems
as std::is_copy_constructible, therefore the same fix has been applied.
* created tests for copyability
* fix: Avoid conversion to `int_` rhs argument of enum eq/ne
* test: compare unscoped enum with strings
* suppress comparison to None warning
* test unscoped enum arithmetic and comparision with unsupported type
* Make `overload_cast_impl` available in C++11 mode.
Narrow the scope of the `#if defined(PYBIND11_CPP14)` block around overload_cast to only
cover the parts where C++14 is stricly required. Thus, the implementation in
`pybind11::details::overload_cast_impl` is still available in C++11 mode.
* PR #1581: Modify test to use overload_cast_impl, update docs and change log
This is only necessary if `get_internals` is called for the first time in a given module when the running thread is in a GIL-released state.
* Test dtype field order in numpy dtype tests
When running tests with NumPy 1.14 or later this test exposes the
"invalid buffer descriptor" error reported in #1274.
* Create dtype_ptr with ordered fields
* Fix casting of time points with non-system-clock duration on Windows
Add explicit `time_point_cast` to time point with duration of system
clock. Fixes Visual Studio compile error.
* Add test case for custom time points casting
In def_readonly and def_readwrite, there is an assertion that the member comes
from the class or a base class:
static_assert(std::is_base_of<C, type>::value, "...");
However, if C and type are the same type, is_base_of will still only be true
if they are the same _non-union_ type. This means we can't define accessors
for the members of a union type because of this assertion.
Update the assertion to test
std::is_same<C, type>::value || std::is_base_of<C, type>::value
which will allow union types, or members of base classes.
Also add a basic unit test for accessing unions.
* Fix async Python functors invoking from multiple C++ threads (#1587)
Ensure GIL is held during functor destruction.
* Add async Python callbacks test that runs in separate Python thread
I found that the numpy array tests already contained an empty-shaped
array test, but none with data in it.
Following PEP 3118, scalars have an empty shape and ndim 0. This
works already and is now also documented/covered by a test.
* Fixing order of arguments in call to PyErr_GivenExceptionMatches in pybind11::error_already_set.matches
* Added tests on error_already_set::matches fix for exception base classes
* Fix warning that not including a cmake source or build dir will be a fatal error (it is now on newest CMakes)
* Fixes appveyor
* Travis uses CMake 3.9 for more than a year now
* Travis dropped sudo: false in December
* Dropping Sphinx 2
- clang7: Suppress self-assign warnings; fix missing virtual dtors
- pypy:
- Keep old version (newer stuff breaks)
- Pin packages to extra index for speed
- travis:
- Make docker explicit; remove docker if not needed
- Make commands more verbose (for debugging / repro)
- Make Ubuntu dist explicit per job
- Fix Windows
- Add names to travis
This avoids GIL deadlocking when pybind11 tries to acquire the GIL in a thread that already acquired it using standard Python API (e.g. when running from a Python thread).
* Adds std::deque to the types supported by list_caster in stl.h.
* Adds a new test_deque test in test_stl.{py,cpp}.
* Updates the documentation to include std::deque as a default
supported type.
* Check default holder
-Recognize "std::unique_ptr<T, D>" as a default holder even if "D" doesn't match between base and derived holders
* Add test for unique_ptr<T, D> change
Pybind11 provides a cast operator between opaque void* pointers on the
C++ side and capsules on the Python side. The py::cast<void *>
expression was not aware of this possibility and incorrectly triggered a
compile-time assertion ("Unable to cast type to reference: value is
local to type caster") that is now fixed.
* Support C++17 aligned new statement
This patch makes pybind11 aware of nonstandard alignment requirements in
bound types and passes on this information to C++17 aligned 'new'
operator. Pre-C++17, the behavior is unchanged.
This PR brings the std::array<> caster in sync with the other STL type
casters: to accept an arbitrary sequence as input (rather than a list,
which is too restrictive).
* Fix for Issue #1258
list_caster::load method will now check for a Python string and prevent its automatic conversion to a list.
This should fix the issue "pybind11/stl.h converts string to vector<string> #1258" (https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/issues/1258)
* Added tests for fix of issue #1258
* Changelog: stl string auto-conversion
* Fix potential crash when calling an overloaded function
The crash would occur if:
- dispatcher() uses two-pass logic (because the target is overloaded and some arguments support conversions)
- the first pass (with conversions disabled) doesn't find any matching overload
- the second pass does find a matching overload, but its return value can't be converted to Python
The code for formatting the error message assumed `it` still pointed to the selected overload,
but during the second-pass loop `it` was nullptr. Fix by setting `it` correctly if a second-pass
call returns a nullptr `handle`. Add a new test that segfaults without this fix.
* Make overload iteration const-correct so we don't have to iterate again on second-pass error
* Change test_error_after_conversions dependencies to local classes/variables
This commit addresses an inefficiency in how enums are created in
pybind11. Most of the enum_<> implementation is completely generic --
however, being a template class, it ended up instantiating vast amounts
of essentially identical code in larger projects with many enums.
This commit introduces a generic non-templated helper class that is
compatible with any kind of enumeration. enum_ then becomes a thin
wrapper around this new class.
The new enum_<> API is designed to be 100% compatible with the old one.
object_api::operator[] has a powerful overload for py::handle that can
accept slices, tuples (for NumPy), etc.
Lists, sequences, and tuples provide their own specialized operator[],
which unfortunately disables this functionality. This is accidental, and
the purpose of this commit is to re-enable the more general behavior.
This commit is tangentially related to the previous one in that it makes
py::handle/py::object et al. behave more like their Python counterparts.
This commit revamps the object_api class so that it maps most C++
operators to their Python analogs. This makes it possible to, e.g.
perform arithmetic using a py::int_ or py::array.
* check for already existing enum value added; added test
* added enum value name to exception message
* test for defining enum with multiple identical names moved to test_enum.cpp/py
This PR adds a new py::ellipsis() method which can be used in
conjunction with NumPy's generalized slicing support. For instance,
the following is now valid (where "a" is a NumPy array):
py::array b = a[py::make_tuple(0, py::ellipsis(), 0)];
Catch v2 changed the `run(...)` signature to take a `char *argv[]`,
arguing partly that technically a `char *argv[]` type is the correct
`main()` signature rather than `const char *argv[]`.
Dropping the `const` here doesn't appear to cause any problems with
catch v1 (tested against both the cmake-downloaded 1.9.3 and Debian's
1.12.1 package) so we can follow suit.
* stl.h: propagate return value policies to type-specific casters
Return value policies for containers like those handled in in 'stl.h'
are currently broken.
The problem is that detail::return_value_policy_override<C>::policy()
always returns 'move' when given a non-pointer/reference type, e.g.
This is sensible behavior for custom types that are exposed via
'py::class_<>', but it does not make sense for types that are handled by
other type casters (STL containers, Eigen matrices, etc.).
This commit changes the behavior so that
detail::return_value_policy_override only becomes active when the type
caster derives from type_caster_generic.
Furthermore, the override logic is called recursively in STL type
casters to enable key/value-specific behavior.
* Add basic support for tag-based static polymorphism
Sometimes it is possible to look at a C++ object and know what its dynamic type is,
even if it doesn't use C++ polymorphism, because instances of the object and its
subclasses conform to some other mechanism for being self-describing; for example,
perhaps there's an enumerated "tag" or "kind" member in the base class that's always
set to an indication of the correct type. This might be done for performance reasons,
or to permit most-derived types to be trivially copyable. One of the most widely-known
examples is in LLVM: https://llvm.org/docs/HowToSetUpLLVMStyleRTTI.html
This PR permits pybind11 to be informed of such conventions via a new specializable
detail::polymorphic_type_hook<> template, which generalizes the previous logic for
determining the runtime type of an object based on C++ RTTI. Implementors provide
a way to map from a base class object to a const std::type_info* for the dynamic
type; pybind11 then uses this to ensure that casting a Base* to Python creates a
Python object that knows it's wrapping the appropriate sort of Derived.
There are a number of restrictions with this tag-based static polymorphism support
compared to pybind11's existing support for built-in C++ polymorphism:
- there is no support for this-pointer adjustment, so only single inheritance is permitted
- there is no way to make C++ code call new Python-provided subclasses
- when binding C++ classes that redefine a method in a subclass, the .def() must be
repeated in the binding for Python to know about the update
But these are not much of an issue in practice in many cases, the impact on the
complexity of pybind11's innards is minimal and localized, and the support for
automatic downcasting improves usability a great deal.
The property returns the enum_ value as a string.
For example:
>>> import module
>>> module.enum.VALUE
>>> str(module.enum.VALUE)
>>> module.enum.VALUE.name
This is actually the equivalent of Boost.Python "name" property.
- PYBIND11_MAKE_OPAQUE now takes ... rather than a single argument and
expands it with __VA_ARGS__; this lets templated, comma-containing
types get through correctly.
- Adds a new macro PYBIND11_TYPE() that lets you pass the type into a
macro as a single argument, such as:
Unfortunately this only works for one macro call: to forward the
argument on to the next macro call (without the processor breaking it
up again) requires also adding the PYBIND11_TYPE(...) to type macro
arguments in the PYBIND11_OVERLOAD_... macro chain.
- updated the documentation with these two changes, and use them at a couple
places in the test suite to test that they work.
This fixes the test code on big-endian architectures: the array support
(PR #832) had hard-coded the little-endian '<' but we need to use '>' on
big-endian architectures.
This updates the `py::init` constructors to only use brace
initialization for aggregate initiailization if there is no constructor
with the given arguments.
This, in particular, fixes the regression in #1247 where the presence of
a `std::initializer_list<T>` constructor started being invoked for
constructor invocations in 2.2 even when there was a specific
constructor of the desired type.
The added test case demonstrates: without this change, it fails to
compile because the `.def(py::init<std::vector<int>>())` constructor
tries to invoke the `T(std::initializer_list<std::vector<int>>)`
constructor rather than the `T(std::vector<int>)` constructor.
By only using `new T{...}`-style construction when a `T(...)`
constructor doesn't exist, we should bypass this by while still allowing
`py::init<...>` to be used for aggregate type initialization (since such
types, by definition, don't have a user-declared constructor).